
Horoscopes/zodiac question?

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i know that there is the original zodiac with virgo, gemini, ect. but i've heard there are other kinds so could you please tell me some other ones.

i also know that there is an eygptian one too




  1. There is also a Mayan Astrology... but I know next to nothing about it.

  2. hmm, i'm curious for the answer too.

  3. There's one for every culture. Every culture was founded on Astrology as the basis for understanding nature. However every system that I know of has a few important things in common...

    1) they all reference the "planets" which are the heavenly bodies that move against the background of stationary stars

    2) they all reference (with different names) 12 constellations in the belt of sky through which the planets move... the "zodiac".

    The place different focual points... western focuses on the Sun, Vedic / Indian focuses on the Moon, Chinese focuses on Jupiter, etc.

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