
Horrible 2nd day?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, I went to school for the first day, it was great (surprisingly). Has lots of fun seeing people I haven't seen all summer. Now he 2nd day (today) I go and my teacher sends me to the nurse because I didn't "look right". Turns out I had a 103 fever. Now I am stuck home for today and tomorrow at least. Probably the next day too! I'm so mad! Did anyone have an experiance like this?




  1. Aww, It'll be okay. Just drink plenty of fluids, get rest and you'll be better before you know it :)

  2. Lol I had the same problem but unlike you it was the FIRST day of school. I was sooo mad. I came down with a bad fever. My friends thought I died or something and began calling my

    God Bless.

  3. I would have sent you home with a 103* fever, too.  Why are you mad?  Get in bed, drink fluids and get to feeling better.

  4. Yes, yes, I know the feeling... Just get off the computer, have lots of rest, watch a funny movie, drink some orange juice, have some soup and get well soon so you can go back :)

  5. My school nurse wont send you home for anything!! You are lucky you got to go home but you are unlucky it was the second day of school. I have had an experience like that but i am a band geek and had a contest one day and i got sick the day before and had a temp so i wasnt aloud to go to the contest that day!

  6. Is this a question?    You are asking if anyone else experienced sickness and was sent home? happens often.
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