
Horrible Apartment, What should I do?

by  |  earlier

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I rented an apartment in March. The Leasing agent was very fast to lease it to me. Everytime i would ask to see the actual apartment she would come up with excuses of why i couldn't. But still i went on to sign the lease.(my mistake) When i walked into the apartment i was disgusted. There is termite damage, water damage and possible mold. The apartment has a disgusting smell...its just nasty. The floors are not even leveled. When i walk to one side of the bedroom, it feels like i'm walking up a slight hill. (what causes that?) and bathroom door doesn't shut because it is on a slope.i immediately explained this to the landlord and he said he would fix it. It took him almost 2 weeks to actually come and look at it. when they began to fix it, they didnt even correct the problem, they just put a new floor in the bathroom (linoleom), and cut the bathroom door so it would shut. I need to get out of this place. This place is really making me feel sick. and i just had a newborn girl, and she does not need to be here. What should I do? Everytime i ask the leasing agents to fix everything, they don't come.




  1. Get an attorney to help you out of the contract. Technically, by making excuses and not showing you the property, which you should have demanded to see, they committed Fraud. Fraud voids a contract. Get an attorney to call the landlord and threaten legal action and they will let you out of the contract. Never buy anything without looking at it first. The problems in the building are not fixable. If you cannot afford an attorney contact the legal aid society, they will provide one at reduced fees. Also, if the agent that showed the property to you is a realtor, you should contact the real estate commision in your state.  

  2. Get a new apartment and move. And never, ever sign a lease again without seeing what you get for your money. You live, you learn.

  3. You have few options and they are all bad.  You could only get out of the lease because of gunshots.  A judge will break a lease for that.  You would need the police report.  Without that , you are stuck.  But it is a blessing of sorts.  You will never allow yourself to be bamboozled again as long as you live.  Never.  People will wonder how you got to confident so that you could stand up for yourself in difficult situations. /

  4. buyer beware.  If you signed the lease you have to pay

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