
Horrible Driver?

by Guest67072  |  earlier

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I am in Australia and I am so confused when it comes to driving and road markings.

E.g. there have been some instances where I have turned left into the left lane, and some instances where I have turned left into the centre lane, but I find it hard to determine when to do what.

I have been having driving lessons for near on 2 years now and I still just cannot grasp it.

I went for my driving test a few weeks ago and failed. My instructor advises me all the time but I just cannot seem to take it in. Please help!




  1. I wonder if you have trouble in other areas of you life, such as following directions or with understanding what you see or with reading or writing.  It's possible you have a visual perception problem or other learning difference.  If you are in school or college you should see about getting tested. If not, go to a university that specializes in education.   You might be able to get some help with your problem.

  2. Invest in a bike.

  3. Birdie,

    sorry, but it sounds like more driving lessons are in order.  Learning the basics is not something you want to be doing when TAKING your driving test.

    You need to find a driving instructor that has some patience and is interested in your learning the points, rather than collecting the money for not helping you out.

    I know you can get this - but you have to gain confidence, too.  When you are nervous about it, even the simplest things seem impossible.

    Good luck!
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