
Horrible Humming Noise in Brand New Mobile Home!!!

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I just moved into a 2008 Fleetwood Mobile Home. When we turned on the main breaker yesterday, there was a humming noise in the master bedroom only. It is a constant noise that sounds almost like a fan, even when there is nothing else on in the home. It's tied into the same breaker labeled "Furn", but it seems to be on it's own circuit and stops if I switch off the #6 breaker. There is no noise heard from under the mobile, the actual furnace unit, the refrigerator or anything else. Any Ideas?!?! If anyone knows what it is or what it is for, can we get a quieter one? Thanks :)




  1. It is the blend air system. it provide fresh air exchanges. it is mounted on the roof and ducted to the furnace compartment and is coupled with the furnace electrically. it is possible that the fan wheel is out of balance from some debris stuck in the wheel. The hood is held on with three screws. these can be removed and the fan inspected. it could be a faulty motor as well. it is still under waranty call the dealer you purchased the home from.


  2. It's your control transformer in your indoor unit(furnace).Some are just louder than others.

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