
Horrible Living Conditions. What can I do to help? ?

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We dont want to remover her from her mother because she loves her very much. She lost her father (my uncle) and removing her from her mother wouldnt do her any good. YES i have thought about having her with me even too adoption. But im also thinking of other alternatives before doing that.




  1. You should do everything in your power to get that little girl out of this situation.  You can make anonymous calls to social services and they will investigate without naming you if you are afraid.  She needs help on a daily basis.  She is being neglected and any adult who stands by a watches it happens is guilty, too.

  2. this is neglect,report her 2 the child abuse report line FAST,and keep reporting cos neglect is put to the bottom of the list cos physical ans sexual abuse is deemed more high.dont forget 2 tell them everything

  3. There is a good possibility that the Aunt is very depressed due to the death of your Uncle. She may be overwhelmed. Go help her clean. Bring your cleaning products with you. Bring garbage bags. Help her. In doing that she will see that you care about her and the children and don't forget to explain that your not there to make her feel bad, your there to help. She may find that she likes a clean home and start doing it herself.

  4. what she is living in is a form of abuse. I would talk to her mother about having her come live with you until she can get the place cleaned out and properly take care of her. If she doesn't agree, social services does need to be contacted. They can temp. remove the child until all the conidtions are cleared up and then return the child. For her health and saftey, she needs to be out of there.

  5. Hello, have you ever thought of seeing if she can come and live with you'll?  If you're prepared to take care of her then talking with whover it is that is her Legal guardian may help.  Maybe they'll realize that you can provide a better life for her.  If that doesn't work then you can always call child wellfare services - cps and tell them about the horrible living conditions but be prepared for the fact that she may have to live in a orpanage if no one wants her and/or that she may be angry at you'll for doing that.  These are just some suggestions.

  6. I can't agree with you that her mother loves her very much, otherwise she would not be living in filth.... Since you know how bad her conditions are you are obligated to report it to Child Protective Services, if you don't you could be criminally prosecuted for knowingly allowing it to continue...Do the right thing and get that poor child some help!!! (ASAP!)

  7. Easy, adopt her or become her legal guardians. Sounds like you love and want her and she loves and wants you. And the way your cousin is treating her.It doesn't seem like she would care anyway to let her go, she would probably be happy to give her up and if not I bet she would do it for a small bribe. In anycase, she'd be a load better off with a real family in a real home. Good Luck

  8. call social services and let the child move in with u

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