Ok so in the dream I'm in my car and It's very late, very dark. All of the sudden this woman and her child, maybe a four or five year old boy, go out in the middle of the street. I stop the car and honk but they dont seem to notice. The woman is wearing a long white dress, a bit like a nightgown and the child is wearing a suit. They grab hands and start spinning in a circle, and after about a minute, the child falls, and blood is coming from his stomach, like a hole is in it. The mother does nothing but look at him as he dies. The mother then picked him up by his hands and continued spinning him. as they spun the blood from the child started to, for lack of a better word, splat and fly everywhere. It flew on her dress and soaked it from white to red, and you could tell it was blood. Then the child fadded away until he was gone, and she turned and smiled at me, and a trickle of blood ran out of her mouth. At this point I wake up in a cold sweat. I've had it 4 times already. Help?