
Horrible calf cramp, how to stop them?

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Yesterday was my first day on the highschool swim team and I had the worst calf cramps ive ever had. We did instense training for 2 hours and about an hour and a half in my calfs locked up horribly and it felt like some one was ripping them out. Its been a year or so before then that ive done anything that needed that much strength and endurance so that must have contributed to the problem. Im just wondering what I could do or eat to stop this from happening. Ive heard potassium and lots of water helps but is there anything else I could do?




  1. Drink Gatorade.  It has electrolytes.

    Also when you get a cramp in your calf, grab ahold of it with both hands and squeeze it moving your hands up and down.

  2. drink lots of milk and eat bananas because calf cramps means u dont have enough posttasium...... but to stop te pain stnd on works.. because last year i kept having cramps and my mom told me to stand on it and it worked really good!!!

  3. drinks lots of water and put heating pads on them for 20 minutes!!

  4. Stretch before and after (when your muscles are warmed up though). I get calf pains sometimes too, i stand with my feet flat and lean forward on a wall while keeping my heels on the floor. Slide your feet back until you feel a stretch. Hopefully that helps!

  5. i'll tell you like i tell my son, "suck it up whimp".

  6. Be sure to stretch before you swim and after.  If you have cramps in your legs, apply some moist heat.  Use a hot, wet towel and wrap a dry one around the outside of it to keep it warm longer.

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