
Horrible commentating for Women's Gymnastics in Beijing?

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Does this make anyone else angry?? The announcer of the women's gymnastics is so mean!! Ted, a former gymnast, has the worst attitude!! I know we should all be pulling for our own womens team (team USA) and of course I am thrilled for them all...HOWEVER...that does not mean we need to talk bad about the rest of the women participating! Pointing out their errors is understandable but Ted takes it to the extreme, he not only points these errors out, he talks about every mistake they've ever made and then puts down their entire team!! This is even after the US women participating in (said event)have lost to these other girls!! He sounds bitter and makes the US look like whiney losers...saying that "they didn't deserve it", and "what were the judges thinking"...however experienced or unexperienced the judges, they are just that...the judges. I would have enjoyed the events much more if the commentators (TED) had more impartial, and pleasant demeanors. Does anyone else feel the same??




  1. Get used to it.  It's called attack dog tactics and usually it's used for political debate, such as Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly, people who shout loudly and repeat the same controversial phrases over and over to brainwash you.  I'm not surprised they are using it for the Olympics to take a nice big swipe at their enemeis.

  2. I feel exactly the same way and I feel that he is a huge part of the reason that so many "questions" (i.e. rants) are popping up here about Americans being whiners.  Being a huge figure skating fan where the commentators generally have met all the elite athletes from all countries personally and know all of their back stories, I was shocked that this gymnastics commentator was so unabashedly biased.

    There definitely are issues with the judging, but he should have just explained the problems and not brood on them like he has all week.

    I'm not going to report you because you did ask a question, but this might get deleted because it's bordering on a rant.

  3. Ted and Elfie make me mad.  They are demeaning and biased.

    Elfie commentating during a little girls performance last night (the one who fell): "She's a beam specialist but I'm not seeing anything special here."  I wanted to slap her because the little girl just had a bad night and I got teary-eyed seeing her crying after her performance because she was hurting mentally and physically.

    Then the other man with them asked Tim during the Medal Ceremony for Uneven Bars about the winner "Do you really think she believes she won the gold?"  Uh, hello - she did win.  Of course we all think Nastia should have won but I think the tie shouldn't have been broken and they both declared winners.

    Also, they try to make Shawn out to be the best all the time.  They complained after the Floor final - "Shawn, in my opinion, should have the gold."  Did you not see that romanian girl's execution!?  IT was brilliant!   I love Shawn but I know she can't always be number 1.

  4. I don't think he knows much at all.

    Like last night he thinks Cheng Fei's score was too high but was SO surprised that Shawn Johnson got higher scores than Cheng Fei. Weirdo.

  5. This is the only thing that humiliates me, when other Americans act like jack-a**es, because it reflects onto the rest of us.  

    When the men's gymnastics was happening and all the guys had their faces in the cameras saying "this is how we do" and all their other stupid comments made me want to throw a shoe at the TV.

  6. yes, he's so ughh i don't even know the word to describe him; he's like an uncivilized, uneducated individual. he always says "i don't think they deserve that" or "that's too high for her; she made a lot of mistakes and balance checks."

    he was just annoying. the other woman speaking was kinda annoying, too. pftt.

  7. Can't agree more. He is so annoying! Tegether with whiners Bela Karolyi and Bob Costa, they make US look like score loser, but they don't represent american!  

  8. i agree he does make us look bad, now all the angry brits are all over our *****s

  9. Its so annoying...what a complete homer.

    Just do what I do, and watch the canadian network....obvious no biased there with no one in contention, hahaha

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