
Horrible dog shelter????

by  |  earlier

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I went to a dog shelter today and it was horrible there was 5 cats in one cage with 1 litter box fool of f***s and had no water. There was some animals with no water bowls or food i guess because they where mean because they where growling at me but that it still no reason. there was p**p in all the cages and it smell horrible. I ask the guy who runs it how long do these dogs have and he said till 9 am tomorrow and then i started to cry there was kittens there and puppies and alot of animals that just need some love. all animals only get a week and 8 to 12 animals get drop off a week. I want to help all of them and don't know how. I want to adopt one tomorrow but feel bad for the rest. What can i do to stop the way the shelter is treating these dog and help there condition? There is only one shelter in my county and its horrible and i want to change it!





  2. The sad part is that if it is a county animal control facility it is a division of the police dept. You may want to think about calling or writing the state or county Health dept. or office of animal affairs court/judge.  It may take a little work on your part  but it sounds like the right thing to do if the conditions are really that bad. A "shelter" as it were regardless of whether it is county or privately run has rules and regulations they must  abide by to have permits to operate, regarding cleanliness and humane treatment of animals. Get several people if you can to go and just see the conditions of said shelter. Vets or techs from local animal hospitals would be great witnesses if you can convince them to go. Their statements would be trusted heavily. Good luck.

  3. Call the animal abuse line ( 1-800-555-6517) and report this.Rescue 1 tomorrow  that is all you can do for now . I really do feel your concern.Good luck

  4. there is nothing you can do about the shelter trying to put down animals, but you could contact no-kill rescues to help get involved, that makes a huge difference for the adoptable animals.

    with the conditions they are living in though, that is just not healthy.  you need to call the health department, and police, even though you say it doesn't work

  5. post pics online and get animal ativists attention, theyll help

  6. Call the Health department, those animals are in bad health, and no wonder why no one buys them, they probably have worms, fleas and every thing else! That's actually probably ileagle. Did the police even look at the shelter? Even a peek? Any way I'd call the health department.

  7. Report this shelter to your local police department. It is against the law to house animals in unsafe and dirty conditions. Good luck!

  8. call the police its unlawfully what this shelter is doing ! the police will do something they have to it animal cruelty.  they will properly get animal welfare officers involved and rescue centres to save the animals.  

    its lovely you care and want to stop this ,please do report this

    all the best.

    EDIT if the police wont help go on the Internet and type in a good know rescue centre NSPCA, RSCPA, DOGS TRUST ETC... and get their number and ask if they can help you. they can investigate this.

  9. Call the pl ice department and report it.  If they don't or can't do anything about it, they will give you the number to call about it.  This is deplorable.

  10. call the health department and report unsanitary conditions. as far as the animals who will be put down. there isnt much to do. until people start spaying and neutering you can look forward to seeing this for years to come.

  11. JACKASSES!!! I agree with the other writer, they should be reported. But the police might not help. Do you have a local humane society in your area? Contact the nearest one and ask for some advise and help in the matter. There are 'no kill' shelters in parts of the country. One is in Massachusetts and is called Northeast Animal Shelter. You can go to their web site They might be able to advise on how to handle this.  

  12. You can report this shelter..  contact your local newspaper.  Contact local rescue groups.

    Pulling the community together to get more funding and volunteers may even make a BIG difference for the animals.

  13. Really the best thing you can do is try volunteering there, and actually make a difference. Help with changing this place around, by either being there to clean it, give the animals attention, walk the dogs, and other help that this place is in desperate need of is the best thing you could do.

    I don't know what people expect of shelters. People who run shelters, do it for the own good of helping the animals. Every penny that gets put into helping these animals, they will never see it come back. A shelter is not a business, they are non-profit organizations. He will never see that money back, it was all money spent.

    You people are mad for a guy who is already giving so much, and you are disgusted because he isn't doing more? It makes me sick.  He already has done more than any of you, considering he put his money, time, and efforts into sheltering these dogs that were abonded, or strays on the streets. Stop getting pissed that the guy does not have enough room for all these dogs. You should be thankfull for his efforts, and help him out.

    it's not a matter of being for or against euthanizing, it's that there is a clear problem of more dogs, than homes willing to home them. The problem comes from every breeder, who brings more and more dogs into these worlds, while animals EXACTLY in shelters like these end up dieing.

    Actually think about it people.

    HE is not to blame for the fact there is an over popluation problem.

    To help the shelter, and all dogs, please, volunteer. It's the best thing you can do. Get other people to join you in this as well, draw attention to this. Be creative. Make a difference!

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