
Horrible pain in wisdom tooth?

by Guest56504  |  earlier

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Tuesday i got my lower wisdom tooth out. It was doing fine up till today (saturday). I have this immense pain that feels like a throbbing. And when i bite down i kinda feel something hard. Its weird.. the throbbing is going through my jaw. When i look i see the little dark red clot..but i don't know am i getting dry socket? Its hurting alot more then it did. It feels really swollen in my mouth but on the outside isn't as swollen. What is this? My dentists also isn't open today.




  1. if you smoke then you probably have dry socket, but should get it checked. many reasons why it is so sore. you could have infection too , thats if you had it when it was pulled or its just what you go thru when you get extractions

  2. The only way to figure out is to call your oral surgeon or go to the doctor.

  3. Symptoms

    Dry socket is a condition that sometimes occurs after a tooth extraction. It has several tell-tale signs and symptoms, including:

    *Partial or total loss of the blood clot at the extraction site, which you may notice as an empty-looking (dry) socket

    *Visible bone in the socket

    *Pain that increases between one and three days after tooth extraction and that typically becomes severe and unrelenting

    *Pain that radiates from the socket to your ear or eye on the same side of your face

    *Bad breath or a foul odor coming from your mouth

    *Unpleasant taste in your mouth

    *Swollen lymph nodes around your jaw or neck

    Take some pain meds (over the counter) to get you by till you can go to your dentist on Monday to have a seditive dressing placed to help with the inflammation.

    Do this too:

    *Holding cold packs to the outside of your face to help decrease pain and swelling

    *Taking pain medications as prescribed

    *Not smoking or using tobacco products

    *Drinking plenty of clear liquids to remain hydrated and to prevent nausea that may be associated with some pain medications

    *Rinsing your mouth gently with warm salt water several times a day

    *Brushing your teeth gently around the dry socket area

  4. if your tooth hurts that bad go to the walk in care or something that is open. it sounds like you have a dry socket, it will be too long to wait until monday, better yet go to the ER.

  5. Medical knowledge that wisdom teeth is that people start grown adult teeth, most people in the early years after falling during the deciduous teeth have grown 28, also chairman of four adults, became 32, then state your grown-up!

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