
Horrible pain : left side, near kidney. Any idea?

by  |  earlier

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Well my dad just got this pain today. It was mild throughout the day but 20 minutes ago he fell to the ground and was moaning and not talking for about 10 minutes, holding an area near his kidney. Once he got better, he told me it was a horrible pain, worse than kidney stones (he's had them before) and here's the area it is in:

Well, he's not going to the doctor so I thought I'd ask people here what they think. I mean I'd say its the colon or something but he said it is worse than kidney stones and couldn't even talk when he had the pain.




  1. Your dad has a v****a? lol. I'm sorry, I had to.

  2. You should let ur dad be checked coz that might be a raptured appendix. U said he had agonizing pain for 10mins then it stopped? Abruptly? That could be the appendix and it is an emergency!

    You also said ur father has history of kidney stone? What kind? You can search for diets on the net that can help with the kind of stone, you jst have 2 knw if its calcium, struvite or whatever it is. Yes, kidney stones hav kinds to. In my place, the water has loads of calcium carbonate in it so i have to purchase a 2-stage water filter/purifier (1st is for calcium deposit-ceramic filter and charcoal filter for buffering the metals). If u must buy water purifier, dont be fooled with those hi ends, jst knw what u want. Water intake is the main culprit stone formations.

  3. it could be some sort of infection, kidney infections usually have a painful lower back as a side effect but if your dad isn't experiencing back pain it could be a number of different infections!

    a simple urine test done by a doctor will be able to positively diagnose an infection, if nothing is found your dad should ask for other tests in order to find the cause of this pain as it could be extremely dangerous!

    - it cant be the appendix as it's that's on the right side!!

    good luck!  

  4. Kidney stone, gallbladder attack, pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction, diverticulitis... that's about all I can think of. All of which require medical attention (except the kidney stone, unless it is causing an obstruction).

  5. what about appendicitis?

  6. If he has had kidney stones before, I would lean towards this.  I know he has had them before, however, the size and shape of stones make a HUGE difference in the pain.  I have had them twice.  The first time hurt but was nothing like the second time.  Come to find out, the position of the stone and the size and shape were all much bigger the second time.  Honestly if it is a stone, there is not a whole lot they can do for it unless it does not pass.  I would just make sure he drank a lot of water to help it pass if it is a stone and maybe strain his urine to try and catch it so they can see what kind of stone it is because they can tell you a lot of what is going on just by what type of stone you keep producing..

    All of this is speaking if it is a stone by the way.  Just by what you are describing, it sounds like it to me.  I would caution you to be careful though and if he develops a fever there is a little more reason for concern.  I did have a kidney infection along with a kidney stone and a kidney infection is nothing to mess around with.  Also, the infection may give you the answer to why it is hurting worse this time.  These are just thoughts from my experiences.  GOOD LUCK!

  7. could be a kidney stone! some hurt worse than others depending on size.. i had one a few months ago and went to the ER for it...then i think i just had one last week, but I didnt go to the hospital that time! it sucked!

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