
Horrible potty training help needed PLZ?

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Hello all! My son is 1yr 10months and 6days old. And I really need help potty training. He knows when he has boo booed as he says. But he doesn’t say it before he does it. And he really doesn’t like to sit on his potty and I don't want him to feel like I’m forcing it upon him. But I also want him to sit there what should I do about that? And do any1 have good tips they say it’s easier for little girls. I hope so

5months with what once was 1 little girl and now two





  1. You are defiantly NOT potty  training too early. If he can do it then why not start? It may take time, but I wouldn't listen to all the people saying it's way too early. What do they want you to do, go back on all the progress you've made and let him "boo boo" in his diaper again? I think you are so smart on doing it now so it won't be so hard on you when your girls come ( congrats by the way!). I would set him on the toilet 30min after he's had something to drink then reward him with a Hershey's kiss or m&m if he goes. I find this is working really well for my daughter. Although people say girls are easier than boys I just wouldn't know since I have 2 girls. My oldest is 2 1/2 and is just now getting the hang of it (finally!). I started when she turned 2 (right after my second daughter was born) and it helped so much not to always have so many dirty diapers!

    Good Luck!!!

  2. I do not have kids personally, but I have a nephew. He is training rite now. I know that I have talked to a lot of my friends with kids, first you should not feel like your pushing him, he will be ready when he is ready, second, ever mother wants her child to be on time with all their learning, so your normal to be upset that he tells you after he has already went, and in that case, he sounds like he is ready, just needs to be encouraged. My mother in law told me that she used to have my father-in-law train the boys, and this is how it went, pa would place a cherio in the toilet and they would go together and aim for the cherio, and that worked for them. My mother used to give me Candy if I went in the big girl seat, I know this because their are pictures, of course as a little girl, I would sit on the seat as much as possible for my treat. It won't hurt to reward them, and let them know they are growing up to be bigger, by rewarding them for a job well done. Good LUCK

  3. He's really to young yet to worry too much. If you push it too much with him now you may have trouble later. Give him time....most boys are not potty trained until they are closer to 3

  4. In my personal are potty training way TOOO early. My kids' pediatrician told me not to attempt to potty train until the kids reached 2 1/2 yrs old. Your child is showing you that he is not ready. Boys take longer to potty train. My son started potty training at age 3 and was officially potty trained until he was 4 1/2 yrs old. If you force your child to potty train before he is ready, it will backfire and take longer for him to learn. My daughter started potty training at 3 yrs old and is almost potty trained with a few mishaps couple of times a week and she is only 3 yrs 4 months old.

  5. Your son is just not ready to be potty trained yet.   One way to find out if he is ready is to dedicate one day to training him.  Have him sit on the potty every 15mins, and if he is ready, her will get the idea by the end of the day.  It is true, Girl tend to learn faster than boys and the average potty training age is between 2.5-3yrs.  When he is ready you will know, and training him will be a breeze.  Good luck and don't forget to have fun with your son!

  6. its still early days yet try keep him amused on potty til he has one keep an eye out and as soon as he has one give him loads of happy praise (clap) you know the kinda thing,x

  7. Oh wow, I can't imagine that he would get the hang of it this young; it absolutely took boys longer than girls in my experience. I found that after finding every solution in the book to get my son potty trained, I finally just had to give good encouragement and let him be ready (i had more than one family doctor confirm this theory). It doesn't pay to push them, i know it sucks to change diapers, but pushing them can make it worse. Good luck and hang in there!!

  8. honestly, books work great, i mean the ones meant for you to read to him like "everybody poops"

    let him go to the store and pick the potty he wants

    also dont make a huge deal out of it, try and make him think that it is his descision only and give him huge props when he does go.

  9. Well, does he pee in the potty? I can understand you wanting to be done with this before the girls get here (congrats btw!), but you've got time to start slow. Keep track of what time of day he likes to "boo boo" and try to sit him on the potty at that time. Hang out with him if he needs the company, and remind him you are in there to boo boo, not play. The sooner he boo boos (that word is growing on me!), the sooner he can go play! As for peeing, just ask him if he has to go every half hour or so till he goes.

    Godo luck!

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