
Horrible roomate smell stuck in the room, what takes it out?

by Guest56919  |  earlier

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I am pregnant so don't want to use really bad chemicals, but was wondering what takes out the smell of old beer and garbage? Our old roomate was a slob and the stench he has left behind almost makes me gag when I walk past the room. It's going to be the nursery too so I want it as clean and smell free as possible. Please help! Thx!




  1. a fresh washing of the walls, door frames, and open windows for many hours. if this doesn't do, than try painting

  2. Nice gift to leave behind for you to clean...

    Clean the hardwood floors with Vinegar and water, you can also use this mixture to wipe down the walls.

    You can also use Murphy's soap for wiping down after you use the Vinegar and water, the Murphy's soap will leave behind a clean smell and should eliminate the odor and won't be to harsh for you.

    Open a window and let it air out for a few days.

  3. I feel for you, as I had a similar situation and I don't like to use harsh chemicals.   Even after painting the walls the room still smelled like a locker room for a couple of months after I evicted the bum.

    Try airing it out really well by leaving the windows open and running a fan to suck out the stench.  Put some plants in there, they help clean the air.  

    Vinegar is useful for cleaning, as is baking soda.  (Not used together!)

    You can find cleaning fluids these days made from citrus that would also help eliminate the stench.

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