~Chapter 1~
On their way to the inn, a band of argonians, from the mythical land of Canada, where everyone talks funny and loves their beer, they were going to sell there goat milk flavored beer, then they were sundenly attacked by a mob of swedish huamns, attacked wanting their beer because they were underaged, so they could not buy the beer, so after killing the Canadians, if you will, and having s*x with the dead bodies, which is a religious belife of the Cannibal Corpse cult, they made there way back to there encampment to get drunk, and end up having s*x with each other.
the next day Cornelious(one of the sweds, if you will) awoke to find his partners slain, so he followed his cult belifes and had s*x with all the dead bodies and feasting on their organs for food, he went back to his lair to watch some hardcore beastiality for the rest of the day, in the process of masterbating he pulled his reproductive organ off,if you will.this created quite a problem for Cornelious, so he went to find the mystical Alvin, the great restoration mage.
~Chapter 2~
As cornelious began his search for Alvin, he brought all his child p**n DVD’s so he could watch them on the way to Detriot, where Alvin and his fellow "chipmunks" lived.
Cornelious didnt get very far when his plan to Detriot had been hijacked by Canada’s goverment, which had just recently been overthrown with necromencing necrophiliacs. Scared Cornelious used his "Powers"(line of crack) to buff himself and save the day. After the feast of the dead bodies, Cornelious was in much pain because of him missing his reproductive organ. He was bleeding but he continued. Cornelious then found himself in need of a side kick to continue this quest. So he went to the nearest crack den he could find to find a crack "w***e" if you will. Her name was, well that wasnt important because she could not speak properly because of the number of teeth she was missing. Cornelious understood her though through his "Powers". we will just call her "The w***e" for now...to be continued
~Chapter 3~
Cornelious and "The w***e" if you will, were continuing there journy, if you will, to find Alvin and his fellow "chipmonks"(his s*x slaves) for Alvin had misused his power to lure children, and "molest" them if you will.so he was degraded to only a restoration mage, so he could only heal, so he could no longer lure small inncoent children.but he had invented this this substance called "candy" which little children love. so when Cornelious and "The w***e" arrived he wondered about why there were lots of small children around. when Cornelious found out why all the children were there he was happy because he had lost his child p**n DVD collection the the "epic" battle, if you will, so Alvin repaired the reproductive organ, and they all molested children, Cornelious then fell asleep, and when he awoke he had leveled up, molesting all the children had gained him enough expireence to level 2, he then went back to sleep, for an hour to auto-save.
~Chapter 4~
ok now after cornelious woke up from his auto-saving sleep, he was now at level 2, with a molestation skill of 50, this would come in very handy later.so after he got his wing-wang, if you will, reattatched he headed off with "The w***e", for he was not sasticfied with only being level two and only a molestation skill of 50.so they set off to find the legendary master of molestation, Michal Jackson, Mr. Jackson could molest up to 50 children at a time and not be found guilty of it.so cornelious thought he would be great to learn from.so they headed to neverland to find th liar of this legend of the child molestation world.
~Chapter 5~
On thier way to neverland they were ambushed by a mob of angry russian llama breeders, sadly they were all little children so cornelious decided to molest all of them and "The w***e" just watched, after the battle had finished and the children all molested his molestation skill raised 10 points, but this still wasnt enough for cornelious so he and "The w***e" continued thier jouney to find the all great micheal jackson. It was getting late and cornelious decided to spend the night in an abanonded inn. But what they didnt know was that a party of *** guzzling nude argonians, if you will, had found the molested children and were heading closer and closer to the abandoned inn where cornelious and "The w***e, if you will, slept.
~Chapter 6~
As Cornelious slep acrossed the room, "The w***e" watched him with all 3 eyes. She wanted his molesting powers for her self. Just then she pulled out a dagger made of pure columbian crack.
The nude argonian group made their way toward the inn.There leader was known as B. Morgan, no one knows what the B. stands for but i have a few gusses...
They broke down the door to find "the w***e over Cornelious.Cornelious quicky slew "The w***e" with is special molesting blast.
Stund by this power of rape and molesting B. Morgan offered his