
Horrible shoulder pain?

by Guest66505  |  earlier

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For the past 2 weeks I have been experiencing really bad pain in my right shoulder. It hurts extremely bad, it is like a burning type of pain. It goes away for a little while and then it comes back. It is about halfway from my shoulder to my neck. I haven't injured it or anything. Any idea as to what is causing this? Thanks for your help




  1. The pain itself is most likely coming from something called a trigger point if it is a strong dull ache and not a shooting pain. For information on the subject of trigger points please see the link in the source section. The muscles most likely to be the culprit would be Trapizius or levator scapula. If you would like to treat them try the following: I have found that the most likely location for the Levator muscle trigger point would be about one finger width above the  little bump at the base of the back of the neck midway between the little bump and the side of the neck slightly closer to the bump then the side of the neck. Press in the area gently at first and you should find a spot that is very tender and is likely to make the pain worse. To treat: Lie on the good side with the bad side up. Your head should be supported by a pillow. Press on the spot you found before to a level that is strong but tolerable. Try to use your bottom hand to do it. Within a minute or so the pain should go away. You can do the same to any others you find in the area but it is best to treat the most painful ones first only treat about 3 of them. Take the index and thumb of the bottom and  hand and roll the meaty area of the top of your traps you squeeze the three worse spot you can find in this area as before. Good luck!

    Edit:: I have not tried "McKenzie Therapy" but I do know that it is highly regarded. My suggestions to you have a good chance of reducing your symptoms but will not correct underlying problems if they are present. I also use many other techniques to treat people with your symptoms about seven to ten in all depending how you wish to define technique. I don't use this techniques as a stand alone and have a very high success rate. Even so I also highly recommend the "McKenzie" method.

  2. This sounds like a herniated or bulging disc in your neck.  Get your doc to write you a script for McKenzie therapy and go to to find a trained therapist near you.  Not just any physical therapist does this.  They must have actually taken courses in McKenzie.  The website only lists those who are certified so you will get better results with one of those therapists!  Good luck....

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