
Horrible step mum.. What should i do?

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i cannot sit down and talk to my step-mum! You dont understand. It wont work & we will just have another arguement and she will just be horrible to me.

And i cant move out because i will miss my dad and sister way too much.

I would talk to my dad about it but he cant do anything &i dont want them to divorce because i want my dad to be happy.




  1. as soon as your 18 or as soon as you go to university move out, or try and divorce your parents like buy a thong from a store u can get them £1 from primark, lay them in the bedroom, maybe underneath the bed and when your step mom finds it, then watch the magic happen as your parents argue and maybe get a divorce but you'll have to do more stuff like this, even plant a bra in the room, but if you buy it new make sure it doesn't have that brand new smell. Maybe your dad has a friend that's a girl, maybe plant her bra in the room or if your step mom has a guy friend then do the same with his boxer shorts!

  2. set her on fire

  3. Hire out a hit on her? (LOL, I hope I'm not serious..........)

    Go ahead, be the adult, (clearly, she's not being adult about the situation).

    You are a threat to her control and security with your dad, she's obviously insecure, and instead of trying to work with you, she's doing her best to destroy you,

    Do you want war, or do you just want to submit?

    If you want to submit, do nothing, she'll continue to try to break you.

    My suggestion is peace through strength. Sit her down with your dad, tell both of them you understand that they married each other, and you want the best for them, but not at the expense of your self esteem or character.

    Turn to her, (in front of dad), and politely ask her to refrain from telling you to f-off, (use the full word, for impact), you don't see it as a real confidence booster for yourself, or any of your siblings.

    Ask her how the two of you can coexist in a healthy, positive relationship with each other, rather than anything you do being ridiculed by her.

    Ask why she's afraid of you? (I've already told you why, but she may not know).

    Tell dad you're happy for him, that he found someone to love, but will not allow her insecurities to destroy yourself, or your real brother.

    Don't mention that you hate her, say what  a difficult situation it is to be in when your step mother so clearly despises you.

    LISTEN to their points of view

    Be as respectful as possible.


  4. Try innovative ways to get her back, superglue her to the toilet seat, put her toothbrush up your #### and show her a pic later, let her tyres down, put all her make up in the bin, show your dad the dvd of her with 5 blokes, report her for being a drug dealer, call her work constantly just to be a nuisance, have her disposessed by the local clergy, put immac on her head if she falls asleep in front of you, send letters to her at your house from her 'new' boyfriend, theres lots you can do.

  5. if u want your dad to be happy u have to tell him yes ok its gonna be hard but my god u have it harder, i thik you shud talk 2 him how your feeling and that will be at least one of your problams. your step mum well calling you an idiot is well out of order, you can phone childline and talk to somebody about getting advise to talk to her 08001111, hopefully things should start settling down. good luck xxxx

  6. i say u attach her to a rocket and watch her blow

  7. Let Her Fall Onto A Knife (:


  8. Every time she says something nasty, tell your Dad straight away. She can't physically hit you, you can report her for that. Can you speak to your mum about it?

  9. i'm a step mum - most step daughters just hate us - it's life

    just grow up, stop arguing go out, have fun and enjoy your teenage years

  10. You really need to talk to your dad and tell him how you feel.This will never end if you don't and get worse as time goes on.He has to know and arrange for all 3 of you to have a talk and clear the air.

    TALK TO YOUR DAD.He loves you and cares about you.

    Good luck.

  11. Your step-Mom or any adult has no business talking to you like that.

    But, even though you don't want to upset your Dad, this belongs with him. He is your father, you came first and he has a duty to protect you. And intercede for you with her. But having said that, most men are going to side with the woman they are sleeping with, to be blunt.It's also too easy for adults to dismiss a teenager's problems as a phase or immaturity. But they are still problems and need to be addressed. So you may have to point out that you are his child and you need him to be a father and work out some compromises with the step-mom..basically remind him of his duty to you.

    You will need to stop being emotional , getting upset and crying, if you want to get anywhere. Act maturely and you will be taken more seriously. ANd you may have to compromise. For example, you'll keep your room clean in exchange for something from her...something like that. As for her language thrown at you, that is inexcusable and she should apologise to you.If she does, ACCEPT it and let it go.

  12. I understand EXACTLY how you feel. My step-dad doesnt like me at all. He acts like I was the mistake, or everything I do is wrong. I don't wanna talk to him, because I know things wouldn't go well. My mom knows I have a strong dislike for him, but I know she's in love and don't wanna dissapoint her. He curses at me for the littlest things (ex. today i forgot to turn off the TV whe i left the room, but he screamed at me and told me a was a f**king b***h. It really hurt. He expects me to be perfect since my brother dropped out of college and lives in his friends basement. But I always try to agree with what he tells me, not to whine, and to promise to do better. For poor grades, he tells me I should be studying instead of talking on the phone, so I made a deal I would turn my phone off at 430 and study from then on. I keep a positive attitude and try not to break down. But the most important it to try not to make the same mistake again, and let him see what an effort I'm makingg.

  13. Your step-mum is your dad's responsibility.  He is the one who should sit down and talk to her about how she's treating you.  If he's not willing to do that, then there isn't much you can do.  However, I still have some advice for you.

    The reason your Step-mum treats you badly is because I'm sure you remind her of your biological mum.  Of course this makes your step-mum insecure and she gets emotional and stuff.  She's also probably jealous of your relationship with your dad.  You two are close, and she doesn't like that, she wants his attention too.  Since you're not her kid, she sees you as a threat.  I tell you these things so that you can understand where your step-mum is coming from.  I don't know if that helps you cope or not?

    As for what you can do, there is only one thing you can do.  Try and keep in mind that it takes two to argue and fight.  As hard as it might be for you, maybe you should try and just not take her so seriously.  Keep reminding yourself that she's jealous, and feeling threatened by you, and that you are going to try and help her feel more secure.  Don't play into her game.  Just let things go, and forget about them.  She can call you names and yell at you all she wants.  It's not really going to change anything.  If you can, try and walk away (this might make her angrier though).  Remember, she's not your real mom, and she doesn't love you like a real mom would.  Just let it go, and don't let her get to you so much.

    Good luck Sweetie!

  14. Well tbh i would just suggest that you try your best to avoid her and ignore her comments. My bf has an evil step mum like yours...she does all that stuff and more and he has just learnt to live with it. He tries to spend as much time out with his friends as he possibly can... so i would say you could do that and maybe do some volunteer work...just to get you out. But look on the bright side, in a few years you can move out and never have put up with her like this again :) Good luck x*x

    If this doesnt work then i would suggest talking to your dad about it as im sure he will be able to sort out the situation.  

  15. Omg! I have the same problem with my step-mum!! I want my Dad to be happy, but I have standards in life, and she's just not meeting them. My Dad hasn't seen what she does to me, and it's not verbal abuse, more physical (She strangled me once!)

    I asked a similar question to you and I got the same lame excuses {Talk to her...ect} But I'd just be setting myself up!

    When you find a good answer, could you let me know, and I know this hasn't really helped but if you send me your e-mail address to we could talk!! I'm 14 aswel! I'd like that but it's up to you!! =D

  16. You don't have to tell your father, but do you have an MP3 player? It's highly likely it will be your word against your stepmother's, so you have to record her, and if you use your MP3 player, you can then play back exactly what she says to you to your Dad. Let him know that this is what you have to deal with and could he please help you ....

    It may be that you need family counselling of some kind.  

  17. Step parents are infamous.

    Did you know that a child is one hundred times more likely to be murdered by a step parent than by a natural parent.

    You don't say if you a girl or a boy. I'm guessing that you're a girl.

    You could go and live with your Mum.

    You could try just doing everything that she says and keep out of her way.

    You could have her hypnotised so that she loved you as dearly are her own children.

  18. You should talk to your dad. I'm sure he would rather know how your feeling than keeping it bottled up. If you talk to him maybe he could arrange a meeting with you, him and your step-mum so everyone can have there say about how there feeling in a calm way. Then you might be able to find a way to get along better :)  

  19. you need to talk to your dad. He has a responsibility to you. Do you have a relationship with your mum or somone so that you can get a break from home?

    Try talking to someone at school they should be able to find somone to support you

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