
Horrified of the Dentist?!!?? ..encountering a problem!?

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I have an issue!!!

First, you have to know that I haven't been to the dentist since I was like 5 (no, my mouth doesn't resemble tar, my teeth are actually white and in good shape for the most part!) because I am basically horrified of anyone in a white coat.....

but all was going well, however now half of one of my teeth broke off! Would it work to just ignore it...... cuz I really don't want to have to go... (there's something chilling about someone hacking away at my mouth :S)

if i did go, what would they do, and if I didn't, what would eventually happen?? Is there any alternative?!?!




  1. There is definitely something wrong when half of your tooth breaks off.  It is likely your teeth are really not "in good shape for the most part".  If you do nothing with the broken tooth then you can expect a toothache sooner or later; that would mean root canal treatment or extraction of the tooth.  Also you may have other teeth that may break soon.

    It would be wise to find a dentist soon.  Ask your friends and familly for a recommendation; not all dentists want to treat patients who are horrified of them - it not good for you or the dentist.  There are some dentists who specialize in treating patients who are "knocked out"

  2. If you let your tooth stay the way it is, it will begin to rot. Ick! You definitely don't want it to rot- it would be very ugly, and very, very painful. I suggest you go to the dentist immediately! They won't do anything scary I promise. All they will do is put a white mold in the place where your tooth broke off so it looks like you still have your whole tooth. They will also protect the tooth from breaking again. Nope, I don't think there is any alternative other than letting the tooth rot then getting dentures......but don't worry! The dentist is really not that big of a deal. Good Luck!

  3. You are risking infection, further damage to other teeth, changing your bite which can create problems later in life.  

    They might be able to fill it in, or give you a crown.  

    Tell them you are a "fearful patient," and request nitrous oxide.  You'll be so happy you'll forget to be scared.  

    BTW, you are not alone in your fear of dentists.  Here's a website that might help:

  4. If you are scared of doctors more generally and the "clinical accessories", you'll be pleased to hear that not all dentists wear white coats anymore. A lot of them really are very personable and have switched to less scary-looking outfits.

    Could you ask your friends, acquaintances or family whether they can recommend anyone who fits your needs? Not all dentists behave in horribly clinical ways. If you can get a good recommendation, make an appointment for a chat only, bring a friend along if you like, and see if you could work together with them to get your problem sorted :-).

  5. you need to go all they will do is put an fill in to replace the tooth i had it done it doesnt hurt there is no alternative all those would sent you to the dentist just face your fear go it is the best thing to do because if you are to ignore it there is a possibility of it getting infected the you turned a minor procedure into a like long drawn out nasty painful SURGUREY so it really is up to you

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