
Horror dreams?

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Yes I know I asked this question before but i think I must be more correct. I am a 14 year old boy. I just moved to my mothers house in pa 1 month ago from my dads in ms. I am not a religes person and I don't really go to church because the way I was rasied but I am not a athiest. I do watch horror movies but I haven't watched one for a long time (4 months). It started out a week ago in 2am i was laying in bed and somone wispered my name then a heared a bunch of popping noices. I didn't move for a hour till it stoped and I turned on the lights. A couple days later I had a dream I was related to the devil? It was weired. Then I visited my grandmothers and the dreams stoped. When I got back right away it came back. In the middle of the day even I hear breathing out in my hear like a sigh. I am christian not a saintest, but a day before the dreams started I douted the existence of god. I am the only one in my family who has these dreams and experiences.




  1. 1. Your dream is a subconscious manifestation of anxiety about the move you just made. You will get over the change.

    2. All whisperings are not evil and most of them have nothing to do with religion at all.

    3. Explore your new surroundings and the anxiety will leave.

    4. Doubting the existence of God as presented to you by some belief systems is natural. they leave many unanswered questions. God is real. God is not a monster unless you would like for God to be a monster. Your gifts of hearing are not punishment for doubting.

    5. Call the girl.

  2. Pray and ask the Lord for protection before esp. your subconscious mind. What you experience is spiritual attack.
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