
Horror games?

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My friend doesnt have the internet and we love doing horror ouija boards allowed, and we got light as a feather and bloody mary and catscratches and also this one urban legend where if u put an x on the wall and knock 13 times in the dark it knocks back....and we have horror movies but we want to cover 6 hours worth and tht aint gonna cut it. We also dont want lame things like "look in the mirror cuz ur ugly" and stuff like tht being obvious here we want more than the typical 3 or 4 games a few no one knows about and but we googled scary sleepover and practically found nothing tht wasn't on the internet please help!!!!!!!




  1. candyman? say candyman three times whilst spinning and he appears at the end of your bed supposedly and kills you.

    try doing a seance, google it to find out how to do it properly?

    ask any spirits to make their presence known etc.


  2. the suffering's a pretty freaky game.

  3. If you want a horror game I suggest Super Mario Sunshine. Luigi is a frigging pedophile rapist, how is that not horror...

  4. get the hills have eyes or silent hill. i got those for the psp

  5. Attempt to capture an EVP.

    I did this successfully once and I had to sleep with the lights on for several days afterwards.  It was creepy as h**l!

    Here's what an EVP is:

    Here's how you do it:

    Any recording device may function as your EVP recorder. I have used microcassette recorders, regular hand held audio tape recorders, disc and digital recorders. While I may favor the digital format,  the audio cassette tape recorders work equally as well. If you have questions about your EVP recording device, take this simple test. Turn your volume up to high and then back it off a hair. Record for two minutes. Play the recording and listen to the background noise. What do you hear? If you can hear the natural sounds found in the background noise, you are all set for ghostly EVP. However, if you cannot hear the natural sounds in the background because of squeals or other interference that block out the soft quiet background sounds, than this recorder is not acceptable. The two minute recordings should be without artificial noise that interferes with the background sounds. You want a quiet two minutes, free of electronic squeals and or electronic hum that distorts the background sounds.

    Valid EVP will sound human with human emotions often being expressed in their voices. This is the human quality retained by the "beyond the grave entities" known as spirits, souls or ghosts. Be aware that first generation digital recorders were poor recorders because those devices recorded digital static that fooled many people into thinking that had captured demonic or at least angry tormented souls yelling at them. The second generation recorders solved this problem and no longer are these digital recorders sensitive to digital static.

    Long recording time is not necessary. The traditional approach to recording EVP is to record hours and hours on tape then listen for hours and hours to those recordings. Very boring!  If you follow our protocols and ask permission before recording, I have found that recording for ten minutes max at any one location has been most successful. If I move to a different location at the site, I start a new recording. I announce in a soft voice the location. While recording, I reframe from talking and from conversations. I am thinking of those whose voices I am seeking. I am wondering about this lives and what they might be doing. If I am visiting a cemetery, I will stand before a headstone and read the words as I think about the person buried there. I may read their name out loud and their death date.

    Do not walk around while recording because the sounds of your footsteps are loud and clear. Footsteps become annoying and will cover up the voices of the dead. Find a spot and stand still for two or three minutes and if you want to move to another spot go quickly and again stand still. Do not move the recorder in your hand nor stroke the recorder with your fingers because the friction on the recorder case is recorded as a loud noise.  Experience at home so you know the limits of your recorder. If power lines are near, you may get a sixty cycle hum on the tape that is annoying.

    When you play back your EVP recordings, listen to the background sounds. Nestled in those background sounds are human voices in conversation or in making statements to you. This can all occur within a minute or less. Listen carefully and never discount human voices until you have separated them and listened very closely to determine if it was anyone in your group. Several times I thought I had picked up Sharon’s voice, but upon closer examination, I found the voice to be another woman who was speaking. Some times you get complete sentences, other times just a work or two, but those voices will be human sounding often filled with human emotions.
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