
Horse's coat?

by  |  earlier

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I just started sharing a new horse and he has not been looked after much in the last few months.

His weight is great, but his coat is dull (he's a light bay) and he has something that looks like rain scold on hus rump and a bit on his neck. I have never had this issue wit my old horse.

How do i go about treating it as i want to take him to shows? (its not rail scold, just looks like it)

How do i make his coat shine shine?




  1. to get rid of the gunk on his coat, use the original antiseptic mouth wash and dilute it with water. either pore or sponge it on the infected areas. then let that soak for about five minutes and rinse off. then when his coat is still a little damp rub some MTG on the infected areas.

    after it is healed to get his coat to shine curry and brush him at least once a day if not 2 or 3 times a day. also you could buy a feed trough supp to make his coat shiny or add oil to his daily food. but ask your vet for the right dosage if you use oil. and only bathe him when you have to once his infection goes away. shampooing a lot strips the coat of it's natural oils and dulls it.

  2. You can buy supplements that add shine to their coats. And with the rain scold (sp?) go see a vet. Better safe than sorry.

  3. You could buy some 'canter coat shine' spay or something of the sort. Its not too expensive and you just spray it on on like fly spray. If the horse doesn't like spray then spray some onto a sponge or body brush and simply wipe it on. Hope this helps. xx

  4. groom and get some hoof supplement. that will help his hooves but also his coat. a horses hoof and their coats are made of the same things.

  5. Give him a daily feed of a large handful of molychop 1 large chopped apple 2 carrots sliced longways about half a pint of well soaked sugar-beet a small handful of hotmix and about two teaspoons of dried garlic flakes.not too much grass this time of year,try to strip graze if there is a lot.Try to keep the flies off him with a spray and a face mask.Make sure that he has been wormed and keep up a strict regime of worming.Groom him every day.The bare patches that he has may be cased by excess rubbing due to tics or fleas.just give him a light dusting at night with some anti tic powder.The most important thing is give him as much human contact as you can.

  6. even if it's not rain rot, get an equine iodine shampoo because it's probably still and ugly but harmless fungus. That will take care of that.

    and to make his coat shiney daily grooming will help. Also you can add a squirt of corn oil for coats. Don't shampoo the whole horse all the time because that dulls coats, and i wouldn't use a silicon based coat spray because it's fake shine and very slippery.

  7. get a decent shampoo tea tree maybe and cod liver oil helps   also regular grooming

  8. First get down to your local hire store rent a steam cleaner and an industrial car polisher... Finish off with a couple of coats of varnish. You will then be able to take him to shows.

  9. hi :)

    i had the dull coat problem with my horse a few months ago so i started using tea tree shampoo when bathing him and i also bought some cod liver oil for horses and just put in enough oil in his feed just so it was all coated with oil. dont put in too much oil though as it is fattening for the horse!! i have seen a massive improvement in his coat from these products :)

    good luck :)

  10. i would feed him some nu image. I feed all of my show horses nu image and they all have beautiful shiney coats. It only takes 2 weeks to fully take effect and it isn't very expensive. I would maybe bathe him in an iodine shampoo and treat the areas with MTG.

    Good luck

  11. Lots of grooming, every day, to stimulate the blood flow. and try adding soya oil or cod liver oil to his feed .

    I look after a 26y.o horse who had something similar last winter and I groomed her daily and gave her cod liver oil and it cleared up really well
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