
Horse's death an accident?

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I am sick of PETA's insinuating ways. AND I AM A FORMER supporter of PETA.

To blame a jockey for mistreated the horse is silly.

I do think horse racing (and dog racing) are cruel, but I do not blame a jockey for a philly breaking its legs.

Am I alone on this?




  1. PETA is another group that consists of liberal leftist extremists.....  They splash "red paint" symbolizing blood on people that wear leather or fur clothing.....  They hold "die-ins" and practice civil disobedience when protesting stuff like "dead cockroaches", "circus animal behavior" or "bird habitats" are threatened.....

    I feel sorry for the horse, but considering they cannot be easily "repaired" or fitted with prostetics like humans when broken limbs occur, freak accidents such as this and the one that occurred to Barbero are unfortunate, but PETA always has to point fingers and blame others when accidents do happen and the trainers/jockeys don't hurt their animals on purpose.

    The world would be a better place if PETA and Greenpeace just concentrates on preserving the wildlife of the world and not wasting their time on issues that don't have to do with animal abuse.

  2. I'm with you. I'm not a big supported of Thoroghbred racing as I don't agree with the ages (and how they figure the age) of the horse, but to hold a jockey responsible is ridiculous. Had that jockey felt anything wrong with that filly he would of pulled her up. Most jockeys, who are 5'1 100lbs, don't want to continue running a horse that may have a catastrophic break down and come crashing down on them. First off, with the breaks that filly had, there was no way she had done the damage to legs before or at the finish line as she would have gone down then. Not to mention when a horse does start faultering, its very difficult to get them pulled up as the desire for the horse to keep racing, is still there. Take Barbaro, how long did it take him to be pulled up. Even horses who end up with major wounds will get up and try to run. Even Eight Belles was struggling to get up and had to be held down. I am a stout believer in stopping cruelty to animals down to the point that I think they should use violent criminals for all the drug and chemical trials, but PETA just takes it too far.

  3. I have nothing good to say about PETA.  They're trying to ruin the jockey's life.

    What happened to Eight Belles was an accident, and her jockey wasn't at fault in the least.

  4. PETA can take their non sense and shove it up their -blam!-.

  5. Jockeys have a vested interest in the health and safety of their horses. The personal danger of a jockey getting thrown is reason enough to show how insane the PETA claims are.

  6. I disagree.  I think these jockeys have a "win at all cost" attitude.  Their careers depend on wins.  The horses are just their "race cars" to get there.

  7. I think PETA is a ridiculous organization.. I am all for animal rights and believe firmly that they should not be mistreated.  But I also think PETA goes way too far and puts the right so animals above the rights of humans... which is wrong.  It was not the jockeys fault, accidents happen!  Get over it PETA!

  8. I dont think its silly. I support PETA all the way.

  9. I agree - PETA just has a tendency to go too far and when they see a chance to push their agenda, they'll do whatever it takes.  Personally, I think horse racing is somewhat cruel anyway but I don't blame the jockey one bit.

  10. PETA is an idiotic organization that will protest anything, regardless of logic, if it will bring attention to their organization.

  11. Then you didn't see Russell Baze sadistically whip a horse he was on - that had broken down late in a race - to get under the wire in the closing yards, which happened earlier this year in California.

    I don't believe that this was the case in the Derby, but this does happen which makes people immediately draw conclusions in what has become a very marginalized and controversial sport.

  12. You're right, it wasn't the jockeys fault that she broke both ankles.  Stuff happens.

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