
Horse Abuse!? Please Help?

by  |  earlier

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Alright so in my town their is this house that had a horse in their back field...and then a few weeks ago, they had him/her tied up to a tree in their front yard! And to make matters worse the rope was maybe ten feet long, so the horse was a few feet from a very busy highway. The horse didn't appear to have any food or water. And the horse was there, tied up again, all day today. Should I try to report the owners? Who should I report them to? Thanks.




  1. For god's sake yes!  Contact your local Humane Society and if for whatever reason there isn't one, contact a local vet and/or police and ask for some references or help!  If this horse is kept in a safely fenced field that's cool but if they're tying it to a tree like said above, someone needs to check in on these idiots who think they can use they're pony as a lawn ornament!

  2. yep, defo call animal control

    and report them.

    Hope this helps!

  3. Report them.i did it once because there horse was starving and it's stall was 2 trees raped in barb wire. And the horse was starving a bloody, and had no paddock.

  4. You should probably notify them about it, or report them to an animal control officer, etc...It kills me to see horses left out like that as if they were useless.

  5. 1.  Talk to the owners (Suggest that they get some books on horse care)

    2.  If the owners are neglecting their horse on person, you might want to report them to the police

    3.  If their just too busy to take care of the poor animal, suggest that they sell it to someone who has the time for it.  The most important thing is to talk to the owners before you do anything.  I suggest you talk to them as soon as possible and alert them to the fact that the horse is in danger.

  6. well you can call the humane society or a local veterinary clinic. usually they have police that specialize in that stuff. but it depends on how long the horse has been tied up. if it was just that day you dont know that it is abuse but if it has been there for a long time like two or three days. but i would still call just to be sure.

  7. call your local humane society and report them, you can also call the local vets or animal shelter for more information.

    hope this helps

  8. Animal control.  Every town, and state has different guide lines to what is abuse or neglect.  If you call animal control with concerns, then they will probably go out to the house and investigate.  

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