
Horse Betting Tips that produce wins 90% of the time or more ?

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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Does anyone know of a good ebook with Horse Betting Tips, that shows you, how to win at horse race betting? There are tons of free Horse Betting Tips on the internet but they all seem to contradict each other.Does anyone know of an ebook or ecourse on horse racing systems where the Horse Betting Tips are this good and reliable?




  1. Dont waste your time there is no such thing as 90% guaranteed even if you get you money back, any crook can provide such a service, say I charge you $25 for a guaranteed winner, you bet $200 and the horse loses but I refund your $25, you have lost $200 but I have lost nothing, if I get 100 customers a week and refund 75 of them I still make a profit of $625 for doing hardly anything, even though only 25% of my tips have gone on to win.

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