
Horse Birth Question?

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Is there something about having a white and red sack thing come out when a mare is giving birth? There s a difference and ones bad??? explain pleaseee




  1. First, you need to be talking to your mother about births, the sack thing is a placenta, or after birth, All mamual have them. The foal is incased in the placenta in the womb untill birth. As soon as the mare give birth, the mare or you have to remove the placenta from the foal head, so it can start breathing. You should save the placenta for the Vet. to check to make sure it is all there. Some time a knowedgebel person or the Vet will have to go inside of the mare to clean her out.  red sack means loose blood, not good, I have never had one, so I am not really up on that.

  2. The placenta is made up of two main parts. The outside layer is the red bag (chorioallantois). The inside, thin white layer is the amnion.

    In normal labor the red bag tears and allows the foal to come out encased in the amnion. The red bag stays attached to the uterus a little bit longer, still allowing blood and nutrients to pass from the uterine walls to the umbilical cord. It comes out later, and is the after birth. In a red bag delivery, the chorioallantois detaches too soon and doesn't break. That means the foal isn't getting anymore blood or oxygen and can die or be severely disabled if someone isn't there to recognize the problem and carefully cut the red bag.  

  3. That's the placenta. You need to make sure that part comes out. It is a good idea to put it in a plastic ziplock bag and show it to your vet. he can examine it and see if there is anything abnormal in it.

  4. It's's the placenta.

    There is a 'bad' one.  When the mare is foaling 'normally'...the bag will protrude first.  It's a milky clear color and filled with a yellowish fluid.  That is the amniotic sac.  As she continues foaling...the bag will break and the fluid pours out.  After she is done foaling...the placenta will be hanging out of her v***a.  It is red and white, kinda purple in places.  Leave it alone.  The mare needs to pass it on her own.  If she doesn' the vet.  This is life threatening to the mare.

    The 'bad' when the mare begins to foal.  And instead of the clear milky looking bag...a red 'blob' will come out first.  And it has a white 'star' pattern on it.  This is called Placenta Previa or 'red bag' and it's extremely dangerous for the foal.  This term is used for the condition where the placenta prematurely detaches from the uterus and is presented at the v***a without rupturing to release the foal. It is referred to as red bag because the bright red outer surface of the placenta is presented first during birth.  Without human intervention to tear this open...the foal will suffocate and die before it is born.

  5. OK the sack is the placenta

    here i a site that may help you


    now here is a hint for you my vet gave me

    if she don't drop her placenta " don't pull it out "

    have her drink hot water "as hot as she can handle with out burning her mouth "

    and that will relax her and pop out it goes

    it does work

    hope this info helps
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