
Horse Camp related question...again?

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I wanna go to this one week horse camp, but I dont think my parents would let me. I told my mom I wanted to go (she's the one who showed me the ad) and she said "Okay."

Then she told me to ask my dad...but Im afraid he's going to say no. Which is why I think she told me to ask him. This IS a $430 thing, btw.

Im scared he'll say no because when he heard our dog needed a $400-600 surgery for her "stone" in her bladder, he got rid of her within a week or so.

This is like a big chance to be w/horses for me and Ive always been looking for my chances.

Any suggestions? Or should I kiss this sweet drema goodbye? Ive got quite a dilemma.




  1. Try to forget the dog situation. Meaning that your dad may have thought that the sugrey was pointless.

    Ask your dad, and say that you'll help pay for it. I just came back from horse camp and I payed for half of it

  2. one thing neva give up beg beg and he gave ur dog away omg thats mean but for me  my dad will say yes and give me the cash were is this place i want to go and can u get some info 4 me email me at

  3. It may not be financially feasible for your dad to let you go?  Most people wouldn't part with a dog over a 4 to 6 hundred dollar surgery unless money was tight.  Sometimes Moms don't want to be the ones to rain on your parade so the dads do it.  I know how you feel...I had a similar situation when I was about 11 or so.  My parents simply couldn't afford it, but I never really understood it until I got older.  I hope and pray that you will get to go because I know how much you want I'll think of you tonight.

  4. Tell your mum u are afraid to ask so she might just talk to him in private i do it all the time to ask my dad or mum things!!

    try it and i feel very sorry that your dog had to go!!!


  5. This is really a problem you need to talk to your parents about.

    But if you can't go now...I don't know what kind of riding you like....but Josey's has horse camps all through the year all over the USA.

    They do like speed barrels, roping, horsemanship...and stuff.

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