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I ride english with dressage techniques on my 3 yr old AQHA strawberry roan gelding.

Teddy. I have always dreamed of reining mostly when I saw this:

My mom said that when i did the following she would buy me a silver and gold beautiful reining saddle:

- walk



-good headset

- perfect position

- back

- sidepass

-pivit on haunches

-pivit on forehand

Do You have any advice when I get to reining.? Any Funny Stories? Videos that could help me learn?

Thank You





  1. Hello,

    My input:

    Wow you have some attitude!  Just put that into your training and you will have it made.

    YOUR question is a bit foggy...  I guess you are asking if you can teach your horse Teddy and your self how to ride like Stacy?  Or your getting a reining saddle and want to brag?

    ANY ways...  We had one horse sent to a top reining trainer and it BLEW him up!  HE was pushed too hard too fast too soon.  WHICH I am very familiar with since my kids barrel race and you see these horses over and over at competitions...  SO take your training seriously, and with most horses slowly and precisely works best!  LOTS of it too!!!!

    Glad you rescued a good horse...  AND fYI I think horses that are exposed to multiple disciplines make the best riding horses!  All of ours do lots of different things and it keeps them from getting to hate the same old routine>

  2. Um.. that wasn't saying things nicely at at all. In fact, that was pretty rude, and quite unfair. You haven't met the horses of everyone here, so you can't say if yours is more athletic. And the best riders in the world take lessons and that's why they are the best. I think you are just bragging about a saddle that you don't actually have.

  3. Little girl becareful of what you say about others horses on here...Yours is more athletic.....Let me tell you a little story. I just returned from camping a few weeks ago with my children. So many people were there showing off their flashy horses and bragging about the shows they won blah blah blah. When we all left at 6 am in the morning and they rode with my group all I heard was bi***ing the whole time. When we returned back to camp at 9 pm most of the braggers were walking their flashy horses that won them their ribbons because they couldn't hack it. 2 went home the next morning after they lamed their horses pushing them to do something they are not trained to do. My horse can go all day up and down hills and cliffs over logs and downed trees. He never asks to stop. Its the way he was trained. So besure you know all facts before spouting. Can he win in a show he wasn't trained for that but as for athleticism ...then yes he would he is an endurance horse.  

  4. one good thing is that if you horse has done dressage then you should be able to do most of these but the hard park will be the low head set

  5. Your dressage training has already been preparing your horse athletically for the challenge of becoming a reining horse.  The major difference will be in getting him to work on indirect rein contact.  If he's ready for it, you can start by working him in the arena on a halter, or other bitless gear, and in a western saddle.  Just get him used to the difference in the feel of your weight and leg cues at on bitting last, after he gets used to having his mouth left alone.

  6. Can your horse set its head? If not you'll need a training fork and a loose ring/o-ring snaffle bit(western obviously) When you ride with the fork and snaffle bridge your reins. anyway its not cruel or anything. to pivot on the haunches to go to the right: walk your horse into a corner and stop,then sitback slightly and bring your left foot to his shoulder and push his shoulder over. also pull back lightly and pull lightly to the right but try not to let him turn his head. Take breaks and do different things so the horse wont get bored.  

  7. Well if you wanted advice...then why arent you taking it?? need a trainer, this doesnt mean you have to send your horse away, you can get a trainer who will work with you & your horse to train both of you so you train correctly...otherwise you could s***w both you & your horse up...if you have never done reining before, then you need a trainer unless your horse is pro at it...which he there YOU go...stop being a spoiled brat, if you cant accept help from a trainer, then maybe you shouldnt start reining...And if you are doing soooooooooo great, then why did you ask this question?? Obviously you need help or you wouldnt be asking for it...

  8. Most reining horses take two to three years of solid practice to be competitive.  You have an advantage in that you've been doing dressage and many of the maneuvers are similar.  Stacy Westfall actually has a great website that you can go to and get some tips.  A lot of people don't know that it took her two years of riding an hour a day for five days just to get Roxy to the point that she could be ridden bridleless.  Just keep practicing and you'll get there.  Seek advice from a professional when you need to, and get as much information as you can from as many sources as possible.

  9. I think that’s  really cool you want  do reining  with teddy!  If I were you I wouldent get a new show renning saddle, you just got a new western work saddle. Your just gonna do small shows and if you are going to I wouldent get gold on it .. it would look kinda tacky, but thats just me. Look on youtube threes tons of teaching vid on there. I really think you should get with a reining trainer, to teach you the basics.

         That’s great you think teddy is more 2x athletic than the rest of are horses, I’ve seen him and saw no difference.. But again that’s just me. We all need trainer, even the best of us need a tune up hear and there. Your only 10 no offense I was 2, and you’re on a 3 year old rescue horse (although he is very nicely trained!!). I have gone to one of your lessons and she gave you stuff to work on. I go to lessons twice a week. One time is a ''lesson'' if I have anything to work on, the other I just go out a ride when my trainer is working horses.

        AAYHA is a small show, were people just go to have fun it's not that competitive and not that hard to win. I went to only 2 shows this season I got champion in novice rider and horse, and some other stuff. Plus when you go the belt buckle and stuff that was on a different horse then teddy. So placing at a AAYHA show doesn’t give you anything to brag about.

         I know you don't want to  go full out  reining  out with teddy like you said you don't wanta do sliding stops ect, but it will still be a lot of fun to do at are local show.. GOOD LUCK!! : ]

  10. Well, just so you know. It took Stacy Westfall 5 years to be able to ride that ONE horse like that. It takes a lot more training than you think. My best advice is purchase Bob Avila's line of videos as he's one of the greatest western trainers to date. He's won Worlds Greatest Horseman a few times over and has a great training Package out(and it's cheaper than all those parelli bogus). Also here are other places to look.       then go to videos

  11. Yes, ditch the dream of a silver/gold reining saddle, it's not appropriate.  I would suggest getting a trainer, as it wouldn't take that long, your horse is half way there already... and would be well worth what it would cost.  It's much harder to get rid of bad habits rather than learn the right way in the beginning.  All kinds of reining "how to" videos on u tube...good luck

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