
Horse Help!!!!?

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i have been asked to try my hand at working with a young mare who is about seven years old and has been started wrong. she came from a cutting horse dealer who said she had been broken properly but had longer strides than he liked so we are turning her into an eventer. we had brought her back and noticed that she was a little spooked about most everything but figured that it was just from her being in a new place. the problem only got worse to where now even if you lift a hand to pet her, she spooks and backs away. i have gotten to the point where i can tack her up and lunge her to an extent. it is possible to walk around while on her back but as soon as you try to do anything more, she flips out and bucks until you come off. i have ridden her with and without another horse but the results are still the same. on the lunge line she is perfect then when you ride she gets very scared. i dont want to have to sell her b/c she is a great prospect but i dont seem to be getting anywhere. help!




  1. My horse was like this, she was a beautiful 14.5 hand mare she did brilliantly in shows, but wasnt nice to hack or ride on her own. We ended up selling her

  2. dont sell her.

    she needs someone to trust her, to love her. if she keeps gettin sold over and over she is going to end up gettin put down.

    although you already got the saddle on her start with nothing have her make her feel like she is safe with you. she needs to feel like she has ur trust, if she has someone that feels good around her she will have that much more to work on inside.

    walk around the area, if she gets scared at something then slowly get her bring her back to the object/person ect. and have her look at it from a distance. once she feels safe take a step. thats it dont do anymore. bring her home and brush her, letting her look at everything u have in ur hands first.

    start again the next day. once over that object, start with a new project once u can get around the area with not getting scared get on her. walk around the area if she gets scared do the same thing but stay on her.

    dont over do her, she will feel over done and not feel safe again. this will take time but dont give up on her, she needs u more than anything else

    (taking to her, nice voice, never yell, this will help her alot more than people think. even talk to her once u get on her back. its good for her to know u r there)

    good luck

  3. Try taking it slow. Start with gaining her trust. Everytime you see her, have some kind of treat or something that you think she would like and talk to her slowly as you take rides. After awhile she'll gain your trust and wont be spooked when you take her to other places.

  4. Sounds like its time to get profensional help. You should maybe get a horse whisperer to come in a cure her jumpyness and then get a trainer in to start her again from scratch.

  5. First, have a complete vet exam if you haven't already, paying close attention to any vision problems and back problems that could be the root of the issues you've had with her.  Make sure her issues aren't caused by a physical problem.  Also, check all your tack for proper fit--many problems are caused by ill-fitting tack causing discomfort or pain.

    This mare sounds like she has been badly handled and is expecting the worst to happen to her.  Your best bet is to start over at the very beginning and try small baby steps forward.  Start out walking and grooming her, paying close attention to her mental state; don't keep pushing until she actually spooks.  Don't expect anything of her, just enjoy getting to know her personality.  Lots of short periods of working with her and then putting her away will help her gain trust in you and realize the worst doesn't happen when she's with you.  Work your way up to lunging and saddling, just as if she was new to everything; you don't know how many "shortcuts" the previous trainers took.  When you start riding her again, just walk around since that's her comfort level; let her understand you're not going to quickly push her to the point she reacts, but are willing to go at her pace.  Once you have her trust you'll be amazed at what a different horse you have.

  6. This horse was really abused most likely by someone with no patience.

    The only thing you can do is to gain her trust and this might take a long time.  Start her in the round pen with voice commands and being very gentle.  Work around her often.  It is very difficult to "undo" what someone else did.

  7. I agree with every time you see her give her a treat of some sort, to gain her trust. The I would advise doing some lunging for respect not excersise. Google Clinton Anderson.
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