
Horse Magazines?

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Okay well I am looking for a good horse magazine to get. One that is fun, but at the same time has tips for riding, taking care of your horse, etc. You know, informative stuff :p

Anyway if you know of a good, fun but informative horse magazine that you would recommend, that would be great. Also, if you can, could you add a link to the magazine website? Thanx a bunch!

PS. I ride English if that helps any, so no Western rider magazines. Thanx a bunch, again! :p




  1. I like Practical Horseman for articles on the English disciplines. Their articles get fairly technical, which I like. They pretty much concentrate on the Olympic disciplines of eventing, dressage, and jumpers with some hunters.

    If you want something a little more general, Horse Illustrated is very good. Their articles are not as technical and cover a wide variety of subjects. Its English emphasis so there is an occasional Western article.

    Finally, if you have specialized in a discipline such as dressage, the USDF has a magazine that you get be becoming a member. USEA has one as well for eventing. I don't know for a fact the USHJA has one since I'm not a member, but it seems like they wood. The organization magazines usually have great articles about the discipline and the goings on in it.

  2. Practical Horseman is my favorite.

    Equus is more horse health.

    Horse Illustrated is a little of everything.

    Young Rider is for kids.

    Chronicle of the Horse. Never had it but heard it was good.

  3. Horse & Rider


  4. I ride english too but i enjoy reading Horse and Rider. It's really informative and has great tips that you can use even when riding english. Another is Equus. It's awesome! It has great tips for various things and... Well... It's Awesome! lol.

  5. Practical Horseman and Horse Illustrated are the best in my oppinion.

  6. young rider very english

  7. I suggest "Horse Illustrated". It has english, western, vet, trail, and other sections as well as having information about feeds, breeds, current events, and more. I got "Practical Horseman", "Equus", and "Young Rider" before. I decided to keep getting "Horse Illustrated". I agree that "Equus" is great for medical information, but it's very... I'm not really sure what to call it, dull maybe. But "Equus" would be my second choice. Then "Young Rider" with "Practical Horseman" bringing up the rear.

    I forgot all about "Horse & Rider". I got that one for a few months, but I didn't really like it. It was informative, but very limited as to riding styles. It was basically for western pleasure and trail riding. Some of the ideas could be transfered between styles, but most were style-specific.

  8. WESTERN- Horse&Rider

    DRESSAGE- Dressage Today

    ENGLISH- Horse Illustrated

  9. I have been getting horse illistrated for 3 years and i absolutly love it. It has tips for english and western riding. and it has a bunch of really informative articles.

  10. well i just got a new mag, it's a trail riding one (not english or western, but trail... so either one the tips work for) and some of the articles are fun, some are educational.

    it's called

    the trail rider. in the one i have it says how to go out in groups and things you can do, how to go out alone and be safe. trailer articles(and how to keep your trailer safe from being stolen) and bunch of others(i'm still reading) it even had a training article about wild mustangs. really intersting read for me anyway.

    good luck finding what your looking for


    when i was younger i was getting horse illistrated  for 6 years. . . my mother cut out every articl and made a huge book of horses for me (rite now it's in pieces cause the upstairs is in peices and my cats got into everything i may start doing it over/putting it back together . . .in a few years)

    i like it, but i havent reorders cause i have 6 years worth of reading i can refer to w/o spending more money.

  11. "Horse Illustrated" is awesome! It gives great little written lessons on all kinds of riding, and news updates with horse stuff, and there's a column called Barn Buzz that has funny little jokes. There's also a lot of horse care articles, property management and advertisements for horsey things.

  12. I like Young Rider and Equus. They have stuff about Western and English. It also has tips about pasture keeping, trainering, medicines, and everything else.

  13. Young rider it my FAV. just go to

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