
Horse Needs!!?

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I have i friend that always talks about how her horse is "lame".What is a "lame" horse?? i want real answers. i dont want answers saying "her horse is stupid". i'm asking the world because if afraid that if i ask her that she'll think that i'm not a true horse lover. Thanks!




  1. "lame" means that one of it's legs has a problem with it. Most likely a muscele prob.

  2. The term "lame" means that the horse has a soreness issue that causes it to walk with a limp. Generally when someone refers to their horse as "lame" without further explanation, they don't know  what causes the problem. Also, "lame" is used instead of sore when the problem is chronic.

    I hope your friend is able to treat her horse's lameness.

  3. "lame" meens that your horse has something wrong with it so it cannot be ridden to it's prime potential the area that is usually affected is the leg.

  4. A lame horse is just that- a horse that has trouble walking or moving normally because of an injury or illness. Lameness in horses is caused by many, many things- disease, injuries ( some of them very catastrophic, like the one that happened to Barbaro last year) old age and chronic conditions like arthritis, overwork, underwork that results in horses getting leg cramps.  Horses DO NOT fake lameness- if a horse is lame, there is ALWAYS a reason why. There are some horses that are more sensitive to pain than others, just like there are some people who have a higher pain threshold than others do. Treatment of lameness depends to a large extent on what is causing it, how long it has been going on, and how severe it is. In all cases, though, a lame horse needs to be seen by a good vet. Hope that answers your question.

  5. If a horse is lame it can't walk correctly on one or more of it's legs. Sometimes the problem will heal and the horse will be fine sometimes it won't and the horse will alway walk with a limp.

  6. As the previous answers have stated, a lame horse has trouble with walking or movement.  I think, however, you should try to get a new friend. If she thinks you don't love horses, because you don't have all the answers,  dump her and get another horse friend.  You deserve better than that.
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