
Horse Price Question?

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So I have a 7 year old TB broodmare. She has had one foal. She is an ex-racehorse due to an injury in her left front fetlock. It is healed completely and does not bother her at all. She is extreamly laid back and really good on trails. She will do just about anything and is very willing. She would make a great kids horse for someone with some experience. Anyway what I'm asking is how much do you think I could get for her? I'm thinking of selling but don't actully want to put her up for sale yet. Here are some pics...




  1. $3,000 - $4,500. No offense, but she looks a little skinny. It could have been right after the foal though. Other then that, she seems really nice. Does she jump? How high? Does she know leads? Is she beginner safe? Does she bite? Kick? Rear? These could effect her pricing.

  2. Snap's right.  Right now though the horse market is in the tank.  You may want to wait another year before you put her up for sale and put some arena time in on her so that she knows her leads and such.

  3. With the horse market down like it is now you want be able to get much for her, people are giving horses away because they cant afford to feed them right now with the price of feed and gas going up. You could maybe get about $1000 for her but that would be from someone that really wanted to pay the much or just wanted that horse. I dont mean for it to sounds like this but Im just telling the truth, I have been to so many acutions and talked to people around where I live that are trying to sell their horses that are top show horses and end up selling them for nothing do to the market right now.

    Hope this helps

  4. If you are talking about price you could get a lot out of her. She has proven that she is a capable brood mare. If what you say is true about her training that will definitely bump up her price a lot. Around here a horse like that would be between $2000-5000, depending of if she is registered or not. If not then she will probably will be about $1000. But being she is an x-race horse she probably is.

  5. Somewhere good to look to see how much TB's are going for is It is a great site and have used it to get all of my 9 horses! Hope it helps!

  6. The horse market isn't very good right now. Some people are giving them away. My parents got me an ex-roping champion with a hoof crack up to the hairline for around $1200. That was 6 years ago. I'd say your probably going to get under $1000. You should look at local horse advertisements. You can pick up whole booklets of them for free at your local tack or feed store. Also, look on the internet at prices people are asking for something similar to what you are trying to sell. This could give you a good idea of what to ask. Good luck.

  7. Okay, right now, I think the best idea is to give her some work and TLC, then sell.

    First of all, try and put a bit more weight and muscle on her. You should also pull her mane, so she looks a bit more tidy. Make sure she's dewormed.

    Do some work with her in a ring; try and see if you can get a trainer to help you. Do lots and lots and lots of circles on both reins, teach her bend, and going on the bit. This will build up her neck muscles, so she won't look quite so ewe necked. Start at the walk, then trot, then work her up to canter; again, do lots of patterns and circles. If she's really doing well, take her to a local show to get some exposure.

    Just put in a couple months of work before selling her. You'd probably get a better audience-- and price!

  8. Honestly, It depends on your area. Where I live[PA] you could probably get around $1,500-2,000.
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