
Horse Racing? Can you race appendix horses in Quarter Horse or Thoroughbred races?

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Im curious as to why anyone in the racing world would bread an appendix? I know I have seen quater horses that have thoroughbred horses in ther pedigree. How are they still considered a Quarter horse. Im confused on the rules between quarter horses and throughbreds as racing and breading. Anything would help. Thanks




  1. No...All races are classified by the breed of horse and the distance around the track thats being run. This means their are strict rules as to what breed of horse can race when and where. There are races for those breeds though just not with thoroughbreds.(:

  2. An appendix horse can race in quarter horses races, that I'm sure of, I am pretty sure they cannot run in thouroughbred racing though.

  3. Well as I was telling this to some one else Quarter horses are allowed to run with T.B. Blood in them in Quarter horse races ONLY

    They may Not run in T.B. races

    Part of the reAson is that quarter horses are really considered a cold BREED horse,, because No one can trace the breeding back as far as T.B.S

    they where numbered Like mare 16 or mare 2 and some where breed with T.B.S YRS AND YRS AGO,,

    So why do you want one ? well the answer is Not all quarter horses run short some want to run longer so they kept mixing T.B.S in them so they can run 870 , and 550

    Check out the "" quarter racing horse racing assoc. on the net ,, it will explain more ,,

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