
Horse Racing Industry?

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Do you think it is at all possible for computer software to pick a winner in a horse race.





  1. nope, it can pick a favorite but horse racing is unpredictable. Look at Big Brown and Barbaro

  2. No,I doubt it. If that happened the tracks might go out of business.If there were too many winners and not enough losers,it would be chaos.Besides,you never know what will happen,a stumble,a bad trip or lots of other things make it hard to pick a winner. There is no such thing as a sure thing.  

  3. If jockys trainers new what horse will win they all would be very wealthy people .I was a jockey for 30years and my brother a trainer for 40 years it is a life of ups and downs but a great life and would do it all over again if i had my life over again.

  4. There are too many variables - going, track (especially in the UK), trainer form, horse's fitness, pace of previous races etc.

    If it WAS possible for computer software to pick winners, the bookies would've gone skint already!

  5. Depends on what statistical information is analyzed and the emphasis placed on it in relation to the other runners in a race. It will give you a rating type idea of the better runners but it can only give you a guide because race day and pre race variables cannot be taken into account nor can any other activity that occurs during the race itself be correctly evaluated.

    If horses,jockeys,trainers and stable staff were all machines and not subjected to conditions that may affect them and all tracks were inside and never changed by weather and the environment was a never changing situation then winning selections would have a greater strike rate.

    To answer your question precisely its possible for computer software to pick winners but not often enough to make a living. Too many variables.

  6. Of course it's possible, a computer would analyze stats just as would a human. I like The Redman's answer, as you'd have to admit, based upon his or her answer, a computer would have had Youmzain beating "The Duke" for fun. So many variables/unknowns in horse racing. We all analyze the stats, Daily Racing Form, Racing Post, etc...... There's even something known as "overanalizing" a race. We've all had those winners fall out of our laps. Bottom line, to quote Oscar Madison, "That's why they call it gambling".  
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