
Horse Show Help??

by Guest64996  |  earlier

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I am going into this tinny little local schooling show and i just found out my trainer is the judge there hasnt been any notice that i still cant compete if i can should i? or would that be stuck up of me?




  1. Out of respect to your trainer you should stay out of this show.  Think of how tuff it would be for the trainer to judge his student!  If you do well he/she could be accused of favoring his student.  If you did poorly in the judges eyes it could leave you with an attitude toward your trainer.

  2. If it was me personally, I'd scratch from the show. Either way she places you it's going to put your trainer in a very hard position.

    Scratching from the show seems to me to be the most correct and sportsmans like way to proceed.

  3. In my world, AQHA, at the breed shows, it's a big no no...the judge will draw hacks for that and disciplinary action from the schooling shows, I hope your trainer allows your the ride but doesn't place you as you both will be raked over coals for that one.  That would be poor showing from the both of you.

  4. I would defenitly go for it. If your trainer knew what they were doing she would judge you just like any other rider there.

  5. Its not your fault that your trainer is the judge.  If it were a sanctioned show of some sort, I would really question it, but since its just a schooling show, I think it shouldn't be an issue.  I'm sure your instructor will be fair about judging, especially because she'll probably want you to learn from any mistakes you might make....not place well despite them.  Have fun at the show!

  6. That's a hard one.

    If you do well then maybe your lessons are working and if you don't do well then just look at as just another lesson.

    However knowing the horse world and the gossip then it may be better that you sit this one out and just view the show as a spectator and learn from other people.

    There will be other schooling shows (hopefully that your trainer isn't judging.

  7. nah if shes a good judge and trainer she wolnt favor you
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