
Horse Slaughter (what would happen if we did this instead?)?

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What do you think would have happened if we did these things instead of shutting down the slaughter houses (USA)

1.Horses were examined and if they were to healthy and young were given 20 days to be adopted in a big horse adoption facility.

2.Horses were trailered safely and neatly

3.Horses were kept at a nice stable till it was their time

4.Horses were euthanized instead of shot and then butchers took care of the body.

5.Horses were fed daily and enough as if they were normal horses in great care while they were at the stable

6.Horses that REALLY needed to be euthanized were moved up the list by 100 horses.




  1. It comes down to $$$$$....... But we need to work towards something. Somethings gotta give....

  2. i think it'd be better idea then what they have now, i love horses, and i'm not offended by the question.  people may not agree with me, but slaughtering horses in the usa (instead of shipping them over seas) has the potential to be more humane.

    people may say there is no humane way of slaughtering a horse, but horses that are old/injured are being put down in the usa every day, and that isnt called inhumane.

    anyway, good idea in my oppinion.

  3. Some good ideas.  In a world where people weren't motivated by greed, they might actually be implemented.  All of those suggestions require more money be spent than most people (knackers) are willing to expend, unfortunately.  But when I am crowned Queen of the Universe, I will make sure they are enacted and followed to the letter.  Actually, when I am Queen, there will be NO unwanted horses. . . . .

  4. Euthanasia drugs contaminate the meat

    who would pay for it all ?

  5. They can not put any chemicals into the body if it is going to be consumed by other animals or humans. So euthanasia is out of the question. As for the the care of the animals, unfortunately this is not a option the amount of time it takes to care for horses in general. I have a 12 stall barn and my horses are out everyday. It still takes me 3 hours on my own to clean the barn every morning. Adoption- it is cheaper to go to the auctions and bid against the kill buyers then for "big happy place for all the unwanted animals in the world.

    What people need to do is stop breeding just because they want a baby, And if you are unable to keep an animal and no one else wants it, euthanize it.

  6. Actually...while certain medications aren't SUPPOSED to be used on animals intended for human consumption, it happens all the time.  Slaughter hourses most assuredly do NOT run drug tests on every animal that walks through their doors!  As featured on FHOTD recently, at least one Canadian slaughterhouse (Natural Valley, I believe) is not even close to running up to code.  So much horsemeat is almost certainly contaminated with all sorts of interesting things, from wormer to bute to tranquillizers to who-knows-what.  So while it is technically/legally/whatever-ly not *supposed* to happen, I think that it definetely does, at least at some slaughter houses.

    Instead of slaughter, I propose a low-cost euthanasia and carcass disposal program so that people can make a phone call and have a specially trained person (a volunteer, even - it would be hard, but I would do it) come to their property and euthanize the horses on-site and dispose of the carcass.

    Many people feel that slaughter is necessary, especially right now because of the sky-rocketing costs of keeping horses coupled with the crappy economy.  I am "on the fence" on that issue, but  do know one thing:  if slaughter is indeed necessary right now, then when (if ever) will anyone take steps to help lessen our dependency on them?  And what will those steps be?  We can promote voices like Fugly Horse of the Day and preach against indiscriminate breeding til the cows come home, but unless standards and practices are set into place (along with consequences for whomever chooses not to follow them) then we're just back a square one again.

    Sorry if this sounded like a rant - it wasn't intended to be one!

    EDIT:  This is the FHOTD story I mentioned:

    It is a link to a CBC (a reliable, reputable, comparable-to-CNN Canadian news TV station) investigation/story about Canadian horse slaughter houses.  Heed the warnings about some of the photos in the video and slideshow being graphic.  The graphic photos and video must be clicked on to be viewed, though, so weak-stomached people, feel free to follow the CBC link without fear of having gory images popping out at you.

  7. All but # 4, you can't put drugs into the system.  As for Erika K, the rest of the world EATS HORSES!!!  And you can still eat horse meat in this country, it's called "morte della" (not sure of spelling), and considered a delicacy in some restaurants and cultures.  We have NO "sacred cows" in the country and we also have NO "sacred horses".  Where did people ever get the idea that horses could not be eaten?  You must be out of touch with reality.

  8. I agree with everything you said except the euthanasia part as it would contaminate the meat (I think, correct me if i am wrong)

    Unfortunately I don't think anyone will spend the money on it when it can be done cheaper elsewhere....

  9. First. There is no. And I mean NO US slaughter houses. They are all in Canada or Mexico. And to Erika K, many country's eat horse, cat, dog, monkey, lizzard and many things that we in the United States think of as pets.

    Ok now on to your list.

    1. I agree with that method, I see no problems with it. A good sound horse should have a chance.

    2. Again no problems there.

    3. That is what a feed lot is for. There are a ton of them for cattle.

    4. The drugs used for euthanization drugs given to the animals are harmful and would be passed on in the meat. In other words the meat would kill a bunch of dogs or a bunch of French(YES The French love horse meat. So did the Apache). The bolt method is used in ALL cattle, sheep,pig,and horse slaughter. If there was a better way I would be for it but this is the most humane method and remember that beef is slaughtered the same way as horses next time you got Jack in the Box. Again if there was a better way, I'm for it but untill then this is the best way, we have to accept that.

    5. Again look up feed lot, thats what they are for in cattle and horses.

    6. Again I see no problem with that.

    But lets get something realy clear. I have had horses my whole live, I think that there is not a better animal for what they can do. I have and still do make my living with horses and cattle. Horses are livestock. LIVESTOCK meaning an animal raised for food. Draft horses where bred as duel perpose breed. For pulling and for food, just like the Ox.

    I love horses. But I do understand thier perpose. The are livestock first, friends second. I do not doom the horse due to the invention of the tractor, but the tractor all but resigned the horse to competion and, working cattle ranches. You can't doctor calves from an ATV, and you can't rope a steer from the handle bars. I know I will get many tumbs downs for my answer, but we must think in practical terms, not what always makes us feel warm and fuzzy. Life is hard and we all have to make hard choices. I do not take the topic of horse slaughter lightly. But if you look at both sides in full light, many people might see that it is nessisary. And remember there are many cultures that DO eat horse. Unless your are a biggot, or racits and want to starve those cultures then be my guest.

  10. I like the way you're thinking!

    They do studies on everything else, they should do one on a cost effective humane way to put horses down, and go from there.  It's going to cost more though, to trailer, stable, and feed so that's the bottom line.  

    Don't let the people saying you are mean give you grief.  They must have never been in a situation where you have a mean, untrainable, or unsound horse.  What do you do with them?  Daddy's checkbook can't feed them all.  Also, I'm responsible enough to put a horse of mine down if need be instead of selling him and prolonging his suffering.

  11. Well they ARE for dog food and such. that is a GREAT list of ideas!!!!!! that could work. very humane. but the euthenasia COULD contaminate the meat.

  12. i think that sounds pretty good but they can't just put them to sleep because it is costly and effects the meat. People can't eat that stuff. They shoot them in the head they die right away. I really like the adoption idea.

  13. Have you ever had anything to do with a horse?  Or better still, have you had anything at all to do with the people that slaughter horses?  I think horse slaughter is terrible and should be banned, no matter how it is carried out.  In New Zealand most of the things you have listed are meant to be practised.  They are not.  I say NO to horse slaughter.

    Edit: I think its a sad end for a horse who has been a companion, to be sent for slaughter because its owner can't keep it any more.

  14. Well horses arnt meant for eating!!!!!!!!!! GOD!

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