
Horse Tattoos?!?

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What breed registrations tattoo horses on their lip?

My horse has a lip tattoo and I'm trying to figure out what breed he is.

Here are pictures of him..




  1. Your horse definitely looks tb and that is the breed that uses tattoos

  2. thoroughbreds who have been registered to race have tattoos on their lips

  3. Before they race all TBs are lip tattooed.

    If you can read the one letter and 4-5 numbers on his lip you can pay Jockey Club to do tattoo research and they can tell you his name and give you most of his info.

    I think it is about $35 to have it done.

    That is if you can read the tattoo.

    The letter would be the year he was born. The numbers would be the numbers off his registration if he is reg with Jocky Club.

    Nice looking horse.

  4. Looks like an appendix quarter horse to me.

    2nd picture seems his back is too short to be a TB

  5. He is proably a mix of breeds... where ever you got him I would ask there.

    Look up horses that can be bay online and in books.

    I really don't think it is TB or QH

  6. TB

  7. Standardbreds, some other trotters/buggy racers, TB, QH

  8. Race horses are tattooed on their upper lip so i would say TB.

  9. Thoroughbred.  But only TB's that have been raced will get tattoos on their lips, so he is off the track.

    if you can get the letters and number from the tattoo, you can find out all the information about him, how he did in races, what he won, his racing name etc.

  10. thoroughbred

    most tb's have tattoos

    mines JC reg. and he doesn't have any tattoos maybe it's because he never actually raced lol the trainers could never get him to go fast enough

  11. WB or TB

  12. looks like he has quarter in him
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