
Horse accedent?

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okay so yesterday, i was riding my horse and he spooked at i dont know what, and he got stuck in the mud, and flipped and fell on me. i did not go to the doctor, and this morning my neck is almost numb with pain. that is not really what i am worried about, but it is that my horse wont want me back on his back. he has always been a great horse, and i love him to death. i need help.




  1. I'd go to the doctor first! Seriously a numb neck is NOT GOOD!

    And your horse should be fine.

  2. Even a bombproof horse can spook at times for no apparent reason. Something just caught him off guard. Try getting back on and riding in an arena with fences. Take it slow, so maybe just walk around a bit. I'm sure you're a little spooked now as well. Take you're time and don't rush.

  3. Get your horse checked out by a vet.  If he fell, he could have hurt his back, neck, or legs.  This may not be apparent to you, or even bad right now, but it could cause MAJOR problems in the future.

  4. You really should go see a doctor for your neck!  Your horse should be checked by a vet also.  I don't think your horse will mind you getting back on him.

  5. you just need to gain the horses trust again. Go out and brush the horse. Make the horse feel better. Dont keep trying to get on it. it wont let you. just go out and make the horse feel safe around you. make sure the horse knows that you wont hurt it.

  6. OK, first and foremost! You should go to your doctor and get checked out.

    Don't worry about your horse not wanting you to ride again. He'll be fine.

  7. You absolutely must get checked by a doctor...pinching off nerves can damage them permanently...needlessly.

    If he appears uninjured, give him a good rubdown with absorbine for a few days in case he's a bit achey.

    But get your butt...and the doctor!

  8. Agreed by all I bet - get to a dr - you don't know what damage you've done.

    For the horse, staying off him and reinforcing that what happened was terrible is the worst thing you can do.

    A horse can walk by the same object day after day for months or years - let it change or the light hit it differently today and it may cause him to spook.

    There are so many reasons he could have spooked - is he getting on in age so may be losing his eye sight or his hearing?  Maybe he's got something else on his mind that was causing lack of focus and something harmless set him off.

    The key to this problem is to get back on and work at whatever level you are comfortable.  

    However, since the horse does not know whether you are in pain and relies on your body language more than anything to communicate with him, if you are stiff in the spine, you may be sending him a wrong message by attempting to ride out again while you are injured - that is, IF the doctor you're going to go see gives you clearance to ride again soon.

    I suggest that if you are cleared to ride soon, just get on and work around home in an arena or controlled area to ensure you are getting along well.  Concentrate on your body posture and such - are you doing anything, is your body tense anywhere that might cause him to "feel" it and become worried?  If so, focus on relaxing that part of the body and only when you're working well together go near than spot again.

    A trainer would instruct you how to go to that spot and properly work the horse to insure he's comfortable with whatever it was that spooked him.  Here's how we did it with my filly:

    After starting her to comfort with the bridle, bit and saddle, we lunged her all about the farm.  She was very frightened of rocks (they have teeth ya know) and pieces of wood and things propped against the barn - all sorts of scary things.  Keep in mind the horse is a prey animal - they MUST be wary of things they don't see well otherwise they get eaten, this is their nature.

    We would lunge her in an area just close enough to the scary object that she'd c**k and ear at it and shy away from it.  We simply worked around and around until she seemed to forget it was there(she didn't she just stopped being afraid of it).  when she worked well right up near it without worrying about it, she got to rest a minute, then we started the other direction - always work a horse in both directions.  They are binocular creatures - the left eye sees and image, the right eye sees a different image and their brain puts the images together - so when they switch eyes, you must get them accustomed to the new image their brain "sees".

    For a few hours we went 'round the yard doing this along the normal paths she's be asked to ride.  We didn't push her, we allowed her to come towards a scary object, avoid it, and go away from it over and over again until she had confidence it wasn't going to eat her.

    The next day, we started the same things again - and the same exercise only took an hour or less.  Within a week, we were riding at a walk right past all those horse-eating objects without pause.

    Finally, I was taught that if a horse shows fear of an object, the wrong thing to do is let them go over and smell it - this allows them to focus on the object and "talk themselves" into the fact that it's a scary object.  Instead, cause them to focus on YOU - then start the lunging around the object - causing to go towards, past then away.

    when you are riding, if the horse suddenly spooks - allow him to move his feet - go around or away from the scary thing in a controlled manner while keeping the horses focus on you as much as possible - his need to move his feet away from the object is met, while control is still maintained and you take him away from the scaring thing, proving you'll keep him safe.

    Hope this helps.

  9. Some people can break their necks and not even realise! This is rare but it can happen!

    Anything that is linked to your spine and neck is DEADLY SERIOUS for your health's sake. Please go to the doctors NOW! Do not worry about your horse for the moment!! He will be fine.

    Keep us posted on your outcome.

  10. Sweetie, you need to get off the computer, and get your boyfriend or your parents to take you to the ER- and do it NOW !!! You could have a fractured vertebra in your neck, and if it moves the wrong way, you could wind up paralyzed for LIFE, or even DIE !!!! Your first priority needs to be your own health, not whether or not you will be able to ride again or be scared of your horse !!! You have said your neck is painful- well, being paralyzed and dependent on a machine to breathe, and a wheelchair for mobility, is GOING TO HURT A WHOLE LOT WORSE than this does, and if you don't get yourself checked out, you could very well end up like that. What if it turns out you have a fracture in your neck? From your description of the pain, it sounds to me like that is a strong possibility. You may need surgery to stabilize your spine if that is the case- and no matter what, you are facing a LONG recovery period and a lot of intense physical therapy.

    Get yourself checked out- and if everything is okay, and your life isn't in danger from your injuries, THEN it will be time enough to worry about whether or not you can ride your horse again. Come, on, pal- use some COMMON SENSE HERE !! By not getting this checked out immediately, you have endangered both your health and your life. The horse can wait- he's not going anywhere. You, on the other hand, may be facing the prospect of a life altering or life ENDING injury. You need to get your priorities in order.

    Enough said.

  11. GO TO THE could have something seriously wrong that you'll regret later if you don't go now...DON'T mess around when it comes to your neck/head/back!!!

    Your horse will forgive you! Even if you guys have to work on rebuilding trust, he'll be sounds like he's fine, which gives him little reason to be scared...he may be a little tense on the trail or around mud, but he'll overcome...

    Maybe, just until your confidence and your horse's confidence are back, ask someone to hold him while you mount in an arena...just until you feel comfortable to go about things normally

    Go to the doctor, look over your horse to see if the vet needs a call, and don't'll be back to normal soon enough!

  12. sweetie we all worry about our horses but when it comes to a fall like this worry about yourself! your horse is fine and wont be scared for you to be on his back, its not like the horse whisperer were pilgrim wouldnt let gracie back on him because the big mac hit him. its a horse thing, he got spooked, flipped on you and now is fine. he landed on you is what worries me please get checked out you could have a pinched nerve or something worse. if your so worried about your horse also have the vet come check him our or have someone watch him while your gone. Just please worry about yourself right now!

  13. For you, I would have to say, try some Arnica Muscle and Joint balm. For your horse, perhaps try some essential oils that help with stress. Sounds like the incident stressed your horse out. Gerinum is calming. E-mail me for more info. I'll look into other essential oils that might help.

  14. Take it from someone who has pinched nerves in their neck - GO TO THE ER RIGHT AWAY.  You will be so sorry you didn't take care of it later on, if and when it gives you lifelong problems.  Please, trust me on this one.  Go to the doctor and worry about the other stuff later.

  15. I doubt your horse will give you a problem mounting,I would ride him for a couple of days in a area it is familiar with and lead it past the area where it spooked before riding in this area again.If your neck doesn't improve in a couple of days you should have x-rays.good luck and be careful.

  16. Please go to the doctor and after see if your horse is ok after.  If he looks bad maybe have the vet come out and check on him.  Also, he will let you back on no problem.  And if your not scarred to get on and you both feel better, everything will  be alright.
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