
Horse back ridding.?

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My mom said she might sign me up for horse back ridding if I am willing to. Is it a safe sport?




  1. Like any sport, it has risks. Even driving down the street in a car has risks - people are killed in car crashes every day. With a horse you add in the element of a large animal which can sometimes be unpredictable. This makes this a bit riskier than strolling down the street. The best advice I can give you is to always wear a good helmet. Even when handling the horse on the ground, wear your helmet. Most head injuries to riders actually occur when people are handling a horse from the ground and not from falling off the horse's back. But plenty of people ride every day in the world and most of them come out unscathed.

  2. Accidents happen, but as long as you find a certified instructor and a lesson barn with a good reputation you should be fine.  Make sure you wear a helmet and boots with a heel.  Try asking this question in the pets section under horses, and you will get more/better answers then you will get under horse racing.

  3. Horse-back riding is a fun and great sport. But, just like any other sport, there is always risk of injury. I love horses, and I volunteer at a horse farm. I don't ride very often, and I have never fallen off, so my biggest injury is my toenail got cracked when I got stepped on. (Watch those feet!!!) It didn't hurt, just was embarrassing. Horses are wonderful animals, but some people give them a bad reputation. You have to really care about them and be nice to them. A horse will behave better if you "introduce" yourself. (S)he will want to know who is riding him/her and make a bond. Good luck, and I hope you don't fall off!

    HORSES ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    : D

  4. Not really that safe a sport. A horse has a mind of its own and it will use it. If something scares it, it will run away, or shy. A horse is not like a bike to ride, bikes will go where you steer it. So will a horse if you use the correct signals. You could fall off and possibly break a leg.

    On the sunny side to horse riding, there is nothing better than riding in harmony with a horse. Telling the horse to do something and have that large animal do it is an amazing feeling. I prefer the company of my horse and cleaning his yard to that company of the majority of people. A horse can and will become your best friend, and won't blab your secrets to everyone else.

  5. i don't want to scare you, but riding is somewhat dangerous. but what sport isn't? i broke my arm back in august while i was riding and jumping a horse in a field. the horse spooked, and i was thrown. i've fallen off numerous times before that, but that was my first injury. i've been riding for four years, and that's the only injury i've ever had. horse back riding is my favorite sport, and i love it to death! don't be scared or nervous, because you'll be missing out on a lot! :)

  6. yes it's safe...  you will get hurt sometimes doing any sport.  there will be times that you will fall off but mostly you'll get scrapes and bruises.  A horse will do just about anything to avoid stepping on you when you fall off so you don't need to worry about that.  You can get kicked and bit, but if you're careful that will be very rare.  Sometimes horses get hurt or scared... things can happen and people can get hurt.  However, lessons are designed to ensure your safety.  You will ride a very trained horse and you will take it slowly so that you learn and control the horse.  The trainer will be there watching you and helping you at all times.  You aren't going to get hurt in horse back riding lessons... they are very safe.

    Riding is wonderful... I highly recommend it.  Try it out!

  7. i would say yes and no..i have horseback riden before, and it was fun. but still, horses have there own minds, and can to do anything they not trying to scare u, but overall. it is FUN!
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