
Horse-back riders!!?

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How do you train a horse to do a treki change (several flying lead changes, one after the other)? My horse can do an almost automatic, and very fluid flying lead change when we're changing directions...but to do one after the other do you do a serpentine? or is that not enough room and just go down the center line? he knows a lot of dressage moves and can execute them very well so I'm positive that he can do a treki change I just don't know how to go about teaching him how to...




  1. Here is some nice help and advice. Your looking for Tempi Changes, a dressage sequence that really is not that hard. Use your hand and seat VERY quietly: he is athletic and using his back,hocks and mouth greatly for this.The quieter you are the easier and prettier this classic can be.

    How to:

  2. do it on a figure eight or very slow serpentine, definitley take your time with it, and its mostly just shifting your weight and using your leg on each side..and ask for the change early on, so he knows...

  3. I would recommend doing it down the center lline. You both can focus more. Try doing half halts right before you ask for the next lead and he should get it. Good Luck.
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