
Horse back riding and fear of horses?

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if someone is, not afraid but is like timid about horses, do you think riding lessons would help or be worse?




  1. Timid is a GREAT trait to have around horses! You don't want to be too overly confident because if a horse wanted to it could over rule you in a heartbeat. You have to be wary at all matter if you've had the horse for years and years! Anything can happen. Riding lessons will boost your confidence in horses or horse care...they are also very pleasurable.

  2. Of course Help..

    If you have a trainer that knows the difference, between the two,!


  3. Fear and a horse is not a winning combination. Horses can sense fear in humans, as well as other feelings such as aggrivation, and relaxation. If you just want to overcome a fear of horses and nothing more than maybe just going on a trail ride or taking one lesson will help you. But if your fearful of horses now and you've never ridden then it might just not be the thing for you. Most dedicated riders were never fearful of a horse when they began. Nervous, yes, but not fearful.  

  4. I personally think it would help. I think it would help you gain trust with horses and learn about them and how they react to things.

  5. yes, taking lessons would definitely help overcome that shyness around horses.  horses can sense fear and they react to it, also.  but you don't want to be absolutely fearless around them, either.  i mean, its one thing to have courage, but another just to be stupid around them:) lol good luck!!!:)

  6. well i love horse ridding when ride it makes me feel free and maybe you'll feel the same way. Also faceing your fears is the only way to get over them. You might find out you enjoy it. I suggest you take one lesson and decide if you overcome your fear and like horsebackridding or if you don't at least you tried it.

  7. I think it would help but you have to have your heart into it. Also, if your timid and don't take very much control, your horse may take advantage of you so you'd have to step up if you do. But I think it would help

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