About three weeks ago my horse banged his hind nearside foot quite hard and he limped for about 5 mins. He seemed to walk it off in the field - he came in sound. I worked him as normal the rest of week, even went jumping at weekend, no signs of lameness. Then about 5 days after he went lame, mainly in trot you could see he was "favouring" that leg. Called vet out and he checked his pulses (as he suffers with Laminitis), they were normal, no heat, no swelling etc. etc. all seemed normal so he said rest for a week.
Vet and blacksmith came Monday this week to check and trotted him up - he was sound. Said start working him, so I did lightly in the Menage, he seemed fine.
Today, Wednesday he came out stable un-sound, and is resting this leg all the time.
Shall I insist on x-rays? Could he have chipped a bone? Could it be an abcess?
Any suggestions welcome.