
Horse brand on neck and rump?

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my mustang has a brand on her neck & on her rump. how do i track where she came from. the brand on her neck reads SP225, i cant make out the one on her rump.




  1. We have a mustang and he has a paper from the Bureau of Land Management that gives you a legend to read the brand.  The symbols in the brand indicate the US Govt registration, year of birth, and registration number.  You might want to check out the BLM website and see if that's any help. I don't know about your mustang, but ours is an absolute sweetheart. He follows us around like a puppy while the other horses give us a look then go back to grazing.

  2. Ask your local brand inspector, he should be able to help you out.

  3. She was probably owned by the one on her 'rump' first then it was half a** removed. Then the second bought her so look up the SP225 or ask a vet to help

  4. This website will show you how to read a freeze brand on a real mustang that was once wild...

    In addition to the freeze mark on the left side of the neck, sanctuary wild horses are marked on the left croup with 4 inch high Arabic numerals that correspond with the last four digits of the freeze mark on the neck.

    If it's a sanctuary horse and the numeral is Arabic...that may be why you can't 'read' it.  But the neck 'brand' doesn't sound like a BLM freeze brand to me...BLM freeze brands are symbols...not letters and numbers.

  5. If its a real mustang the one on her neck is a number to identify her when she was herded.. or if shes some kind of cross like an American sport horse they sometimes put numbers on their neck. the one on her rump is most likely a ranch's brand. It's probably hard to read because the letters were closed or close together. If you had a picture of it maybe I could try to read it.. I'm pretty good with brands (;.. i hoped this helped you.. good luck

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