
Horse breeding question?

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If a zebra and horse/donkey produces offsprings, will the offsprings be able to reproduce or are they infertile?




  1. Well, if a horse and a donkey breed, their offspring (Mule) are infertile. I would imagine it would be the same with a zebra.

  2. Well usually the Zebra and the horse/donkey couldn't produce offspring.

    A horse/donkey is a mule, and they have 63 chromosones (horse has 64, donkey has 62) and can not reproduce.

    There have been acceptions to this though.

    A 'mule baby' (foal from a mule) shouldn't be able to reproduce either, but I'm not by any means a mule expert.


    Wow I've never heard that!

    I've seen an exception to that as well then!

  3. Zebra + Horse =Zorse =Sterile

    Zebra + Donkey = Zonkey =Fertile (same number of chromosomes) like crossing donkey+donkey

    M Horse + F Donkey = Hinney =Sterile

    F Horse + M Donkey = Mule =Sterile

    There are exceptions to every "rule" in the genetics therio, however the majority is as stated above.

  4. They are not fertile, just like mules.  I actually just read something about this a week or so ago, and it said that zebra crosses are not able to reproduce for the same reasons that mules can't.  Maybe you can find what I read if you google "zorse".

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