
Horse care...??

by  |  earlier

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i start loaning my new horse as of tomorrow. is there anything i should know on horse care ect.. i know the basics and i can ask the owner anything. but is there anything i should really know and would look stupid if i didnt know?




  1. how to tack up, although that does take quite long, how to groom the tail properly, how to pick feet out, how to muck out to be oving! (tip: never spoil your horse too much, and if it doesnt do something you want it to dont give up just ask someone else to do it for u as he will think its ok for him to just leave it)

  2. Its always better to look a bit stupid, ask and do it right than get it wrong and look really stupid.  I'm sure you'll be fine

  3. everyone has to start somewhere! Just ask if you are one bit not sure, and people will be quite happy to share info with you ( often for a loong time!!!) BUt i'm sure you'll be fine, and have agreat time with your new horse!

  4. I have a horse care e-brochure thingy that I used to sell on ebay shop (closed it down now, ebay fees got too expensive!) If you give me your email I can send it to you if you like (free of course!!) My email is

    Jen x

  5. well i hope you know they cost a fortune.

    please know who is liable for vet's bills - if you

    get good insurance.

    if moving the horse it may be unsettled for a day or two.

    if living in a field - turn it out for the first time in daylight.

    do not put in immediately with other horses. introduce

    the horse maybe over a fence or to a very docile one.

    horses like routine - remember that on a wet sunday morning.

    good luck you'll have great fun - and you can always buy

    a book

  6. wow lucky you! Well done for asking for help. Lots of people are too proud to and therefore may hurt the horse!

    Be generally sensible, always pick horses hooves out from  heel to toe, avoiding the frog.

    NEVER be aggressive at the horse, ALWAYS listen to the horse.

    And have fun! Don't let anybody put you off and enjoy it!

  7. You shouldn't feel stupid asking any questions. if you have any questions, email me at plz no one else email me but the question asker.

  8. Congradulations! No, you should be fine. You'll be shocked about how much you will soon be very familiar with though. Don't worry about asking dumb questions, everyone will be more than happy sharing what they know with you.

    Have Fun!!!

  9. thats the thing about horses, no-one knows everything and you keep on learning and plus, there are no stupid questions.

    the only thing i've discovered with newbies is:

    make sure you leave pony to stand at least 1hr after food/grass before exercise/travelling- many people forget this, even those who have been around horses for years.

    Also tie haynets up properly- that is the hardest thing usually for people to grasp- mine still keep falling down

    the manual of horsemanship is good reading- it tells you how to do everything correctly- it has been my bible lol

    if you get stuck just ask on here.
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