
Horse cut on leg!!?

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My 6y.o. cut his leg yesterday on an open jump cup. the careless pony girls left them out in the arena and i turned my horse out into the arena because he hadnt been turned out so he need to run. and run he did. he came up to and open jump. and went to the left and when he jumped it he sliced his leg on the open cup.(((dont say i should have not truned him out or put the jumps up because he thouroughly enjoys jumping))) its like 2 inches above the coronary band and is an inch or so long and pretty deep. usually we just pack wounds and vetrap the horses when they get cut but this particular spot, we cant vetrap it. we have been washing it out and putting pink SWAT on it 2 times a day to keep the flies out. any other suggestions on how to keep it from getting infected when i cant rap it??????




  1. My horse cut his leg about 2 or 3 months ago and it was about 2 inches and pretty deep we put this stuff on it called blue kote. and soaked it in epsom salt water once or twice a day. It healed in about 2 weeks. I didn't ride tho. If he isn't limpin very bad you may want to keep riding him to get him exercise. My horse is always outside because we don't have stalls or anything. so he was always out. You don't really want to wrap it because it is just like our cuts if you keep a bandaid on it it doesn't heal as quick as it would if the air gets to it.  

        Good Luck = ) hope he gets better.

  2. have you contacted the vet?? they will be able to suggest the best option as if it is pretty deep it may need stitching or you may need something they prescribe I know my friend hrse had a cut that we couldn't wrap and thy gave her some specialist cream to put on it to seal it as it needed stitching but she didn't call them in time and proud flesh was growing on it.

  3. you should atleast contact your vet and ask them for some advice. They may want to give a tetnus jab and maybe some anti inflamatory or pain killers etc, although you say hes not lame. He may have still picked something up and you don't want any trouble with a horses leg, as it doesnt completly heal by itself. They will also give you some cream, and suggest leading him around and bandaging his legs to keep the swelling down.

  4. If it is deeps you really should contact your vet he might need sutures, though its probably too late for that now.  your vet can come clean and dis-infect the area, since he cut it on metal she might need to give him a tetnus booster?  Is he updated on his tetnus shots? if so you might not have to worry too much about that.  SWAT is a good idea, keeps the flies away.  Neosporen or some triple anti biotic cream is good for keeping it clean if you cant wrap it.

    Good Luck!

  5. I LOVE CUT HEAL!  Its a great topical spray/ointment/sponge on!  There is also a very good topical antiseptic call Shneiders?  It has done some miraculous things with our neighbors horses that have been in BARBED WIRE GRRRRRRR>

  6. Thats good that your using SWAT, it helps a lot. The owner of the stable where I ride says to use Furozone [sp?] too. That helps heal cuts and scrapes too.

  7. Buy "Schreiners" herbal solution.  I've used it on similar injuries; deep cuts that were hard to treat because of the area they were on.  Not only does it heal the wound quickly from the inside out (no proud flesh) but the hair grows back it's original color and there is no scarring.  If you can't find it locally, go to and order it directly from the company.  I keep a bottle around at all times.
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