
Horse differant?

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What is the Temperate of a American Saddle Bred as opposed to a Tenn; Walker-and also the size?




  1. american saddle breds are usually about the size of a tenesses walker but sometimes the tenesses can be a hand or so bigger, both horses can range from 14 to about 16 hands.

  2. DO you mean Temperment?

  3. The temperment of an ASB normally is pretty close to the TWH depending upon WHAT the ASB has been trained for and is currently doing.

    As for size, the 3 gaited ASB is the smaller of the two ASBs and their sizes can vary but typically start at about 15 hands and is lighter boned than their 5 gaited brethern and TWHs.

    The Five Gated ASBs are taller, heavier boned and the typical is about 16 hands.  

    I grew up riding a 3 gaited mare for a gentleman who lived in San Francisco and couldn't make it down the 18 miles to the barn on anything but a weekend basis.  I NEVER got to ride her anything but western, however I idid lease a TWH in the early 70's who I did get to ride Saddle Seat and he was a BLAST too!  

    The other thing they have in common is that I learned that the smoother my hands were, the smoother they went.  Which was a REAL change from riding QHs and TBs, because I had VERY soft hands and not use to actually using my hands on the reins in that manner at the time.

  4. I've owned both..Saddlebreds have a certain zest to them...they tend to be taller and leaner and not as stocky as a TW.  TW probably average is 15.2hh where Saddlebreds..well mine is 17hh with high heels!!

    Temperament---well just like us..some are nice some are mean..some people are smart some are dumb...some enjoy being a show horse some not.. it's all relative to what they have been exposed to.   Just like every person is an individual with our own personalities...a horse is no is not totally dependent on just "the breed".


    Rosi M--- An ASB is an ASB (some are tall and some are short)..whether or not a horse is trained to slow gait and rack has nothing to do with has to do with ability and how the horse performs and which division would be the best placement for them based upon their capability.  There are 5 gaited 15.2hh and under classes because that ASB didn't reach the height of 15.3 or over. The same goes for 3 gaited they too have 15.2 and under classes.

  5. Both breeds are generally kind, people-friendly mounts and have gentle temperaments though either can be exciteable. both breeds generally make great all around family horses. Like all breeds there is much variation within the breed itself.

    TN Walker


    Both breeds can be  rather large with TN Walkers varying from 13.2hands to 17.1 hands and Saddlebreds from 15h to 17 hands.

    From a personal level Saddlebreds seem the more versatile of the two breeds. You see them many times in the Dressage Shows, Show Jumping, Endurance. Also many famous past horses and TV horses were SB's -- Mr. Ed, Roy Rogers Trigger, The Lone Rangers Silver. THe SB versatility and bravery lead them to be chosen asthe mounts of many famous generals --  Lee on Traveller, Grant on Cincinnati, Sherman rode Lexington, and Stonewall Jackson's mount was Little Sorrell.

    Both are generally willing and easy to train but TN Walkers seem to me to be more stubborn at times.

    Both are wonderful breeds that bond well to their handler though they've gotten some bad publicity ( the TN Wlkaer in particular) it's been due to the cruelty of "show trainers" IMO no other two breeds would tolerate the abuse that these two have over the generations just to exagerate their wonderful natural gaits in the show ring.

    As a child I grew up riding a retired 5 Gaited SB gelding and though he had remaining soundness and hoof issues till his death from his past show work no one could ever ask for a horse to have more heart and willingness to please. I've also rode and worked with TN Walkers and the same can be said for them.
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