
Horse events (ODE)?

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im 13 and have been horse riding 4 years now, and i have never entered a competion or ODE or anything! i want to take out one of my rifding schools horse for a competion i dont know what to enter! what do u think??

the horse i want to enter is "miss muffit" a 15.hh Clydesdale mare. she is skilled in jumping (and is very good but have only jumped up to 80cm ON HER) she in okay at dressage just knows the basic like 3 lop syrpent, 20 meter circles and all that. she has been taught cross country (but dose bolt SOMETIMES but i can hold her in). but what do u think i should do?? as this would be my 1st ODE!

thanks :-)




  1. If I was you I wouldnt enter for a ODE.. you don't even know if this horse will perform at a show. Try looking for a local show, that has the showing classes and take her round the clear round or the novice jumping.

    Hope you find a show to do.. and hope you have fun :]

  2. Show jumping would be a good start if she bolts, and can be safer

    In ode's your suposed to have saftey vests and other things

    try d grade jumping or something equivilant to that

    try hack days, sj clinics, sporting clinics, and maybe a begginer ode

    GOOD LUCK and more importantly HAVE FUN

  3. ALL I CAN SAY IS, go into comps i am and i can not wait. They are so fun it is a great day out. Please entre comps you wil love them!

  4. You could enter her in a novice showjumping if she enjoys jumping. Or you could enter her in something like tack and turnout wich is about the horse and rider looking good. Or some ridden classed wich involve walk trot and canter.
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