
Horse excessive drooling?

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2 of the 4 of my horses just started excessivly drooling about 48 hours. They open their mouth and saliva just pours out. The saliva is really watery and they have no other weird signs, no snot, not runny eyes. They are both eating and drinking normal, healthy, spunky, just lots of extra spit. It sounds like clover fungus or whatever, but i live on a big piece of land so i can't go check every clover! Nothing has changed in feeding, water, grass etc. What should i do?




  1. im sorry, but u need to go to the vet NOW!

    in the meantime, make sure that the grass is free of garbage and poison and just keep it under control

  2. I have read several times on here that clover or I think buttercups can cause excessive salivating.  If you know that you have these in your pasture and all else seems normal they probably ate some.  Not sure why they had this reaction now and never before.  

    If it happened with 2 of the four..try to think about where those two might have been where the other two had not if something else.  I don't know how long it takes to get rid of those symptoms but if you can keep them away from the possible source for awhile to see if it stops then you can begin ruling out the cause.


  3. If your horses are eating/drinking/urinating/passing manure normally, and the only change is the profuse drooling, in all probability it is just clover.  Technically the white alsike clover is listed as being mildly toxic to horses, but I believe that's just due to the excess salivation.  I know my guys eat it all the time when it's up and have had no problems other than the drooling.  I've got one mare that will actually go along and seek out the clover and just bite the white blooms off.  Probably if your weather turns off dry and the clover gets eaten down, your problems will lessen, and after a good frost, they'll be gone all together until next year when the clover comes up again.  I suppose if you really wanted to be pro-active, you could walk your entire pasture and roundup any clover, but given that you say you have a big property, probably not real practical.

  4. I have the same issue with some of my horses, and I know for sure that's the clover, they do that without showing  any other symptoms, happy and pooping as usual, the owner of the place I work for say it happens every year specially with horses in certain fields, we don't have the clover in all fields. Only thing that bothers me is when I put a bit in their mouth I have the slobber run all over my hands, it's like they wait for the moment when I put the bit in.

  5. you need to take him to the vet asap

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