
Horse feed?!?

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So this pony I know gets 1/4 scoop of sweet feed, 1/4 scoop of Ultium, and a few supplements (I think hoof & joint?)

I was wondering if there was a type of feed that contained about the same stuff those two do, or something near it, that is in one, so I wouldn't have to buy two bags of feed.

And how much hay would you say a horse that is 13.2 hands get?

Here are some pictures if they would be of any help:




  1. Hi!  :)

    What a cutie.  I think your doing the best thing now.  I feed hay and hay cubes, treats (like apples and carrots), grass of course, and sweet feed mixed with Purina Strategy or Tiz Whiz (twice a day) (in winter i ad a little corn too)....  Sometimes its just best to mix.  They love the taste of the sweet feed and the vitamins, etc, are better in the pelleted food.....  Just be careful as with any horse and especially ponies of over feeding.

  2. He's purdy but purdy chunky too!

    But jeez he's nice lookin'!

    If he were mine I'd remove all grain (continue the hoof supplements though...I like the Omegas and Biotin to stay in the diet) and give free choice hay.

    If that doesn't drop some weight in a few months then I'd drop the hay too....about 1 flake in the AM and one in the PM.

    If he's on great pasture I would only give 1 flake of hay in the PM.

    If he's still tubby then he'd go on a dry lot.

    I have a fat gelding right now and he's on supplements only.  That's because the pasture is poor and I don't feel good about the hay.  Otherwise my tubby would be on nothing but pasture in the PM and free choice hay in the AM.

    If he doesn't show signs of weight loss soon he's not getting any turn-out on the big pasture!

  3. He's gorgeous.  

    He's also fat.

    I wouldn't feed him anything BUT hay, free choice, until he's a better weight.  If he needs the supplements (most don't!) either feed them by syringe or in just enough sweet feed to get them down him.

    Ultium is for the high performance athletes of the horse world, and is extremely bad for horses like this.  Take him off it.  Even a little is too much.

    He should have at least two flakes of hay a day.  The more the better, provided you aren't overdoing the grain.

  4. What a healthy little fellow! He is a tad chubby but I'd rather see them like that as long as they don't have any metabolic issues (so just watch that) I have a question, why is he on Ultium? Ultium is the premier top ot the line high level performance horse feed. It is high octane and contains an abundance of nutrients for hard working horses. We feed it to our race and show horses.....what kind of sweet feed is it? We also feed Nutrena XTN which is a sweet feed and has about the same nutritional value of Ultium 12% fat, 12% Protien and 12% fiber. Its a phenominal feed for a performance horse.

    My recommandation for a pony and if he isnt working insanely hard, is a feed by Nutrena called Vitality, there are different protein levels in it but its a good quality feed, we don't feed it only because all of the horses are in a really high level of competition but where my daughter works at a mounted unit, they have them on that and Safe Choice. But the Vitality is a nice complete sweet feed. Hope that helps.

  5. Pretty, pretty pony.  But he is bordering on obesity.  I would give him free choice good quality hay and good grass in pasture turnout.  I would not give him any supplements or especially sweet feed as the sweet feed is harmful to him.  Ponies are so prone to obesity and foot problems and both of these things are fostered by sweet feed and similar products.  Keep it simple, it is so much better and healthier for your pony, without even considering the financial aspect.

  6. You should be able to call your local vet and he can provide you this information. You can also check with the people where you purchase the feed.Another source if feed manufacturers.

  7. It's crazy when owners mix and match grains and feeds and add vitamins. That seems like soooo much work! Seriously, just use like purina strategy- its got everything in it, and most horses dont even need more supplements.

    If your horse stays in a stall, i'd do two-three flakes am and pm of an alfalfa-grass mix. If they're outside, i'd say three-four, because they burn more while foraging (unless you have good pastures where they don't need extra hay.)

    Basically, just use a pelleted mixture. Most horses don't need that many supplements.
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