
Horse feeding Q?

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so I am moving to a stable where they only feed 2x a day and the horses are out the rest of the time in pasture (with grass). My horse is used to eating 3x a day with no grass pasture.

She eats 1 1/2 scoops of equine senior, 3x a day

if I increased her food to 2scoops per day, 2x a day, with grass pasture all day, do you think she would get a stomache ache? I have already left a message for the vet to call me back, but I would like your opinion.





  1. It depends sometimes if you horse is sensitive it may make her a little sick... you got to be carefull she dosnt colic... All day pasture will be fine with just two day feeding... i would keep her on the same amount of feed twice a day... dont up her... if your worryed just give her more hay to her daily feedings..... You got to remember grain is a supplement... some people turn there horses out to pasture and dont supplement with any grain.... they just eat all day hay and grass... Most people feed there horses every 12 hours... so morning and night... and most horses do well on that.... The show barn horses who dont go out to pasture or turn out get luch ( 2 flakes of hay around 12 after they get worked) so its all up o you but i think she will be fine getting the same amount 2x a day... and the all day grass turn out will make up for her 3rd meal.

  2. you should reduce it gradually so she ges used to it

    you should ask if someone for a few weeks would be able to feed her and then maybee you could do themm a favour like clean their tack

  3. Well you could gradually change her diet

  4. You might want to try slowly changing it. Do they have a barn there? Or maybe a pasture withought grass? If so, then just let her in the pasture with grass a little at a time. As for the food a half a scoop isn't really much of a change so I say go for that.

  5. if you gradually wean her from the middle grain and add it to the morning and night grains she will be fine!

  6. She should be fine, but do it gradually.  Start before the move and increase the morning and evening feeding by the amount you decrease the middle, maybe 1 cup more am and pm, and 2 cups less at the middle feeding.  The amount of senior you have to feed could lessen once she is on grass if she's not a hard keeper, so watch for that too.  

    She is more likely to colic from suddenly going out on grass all day when she isn't used to it.  It would be best if that could be gradual too.....limiting the number of hours she is out and gradually increasing it.

  7. No, sweetie, an extra half scoop at mealtimes, with daily grazing and only  two feedings, won't give your horse colic. If you want you can slowly increase the feed until you reach 2 scoops, and that will be safe. She likely needs those calories, and grazing the rest of the time will be good for her.

  8. She will need to be introduced to this routine gradually. Once she is settled in, turn her out for half an hour. Do this once in the morning and once in the evening for a few days. Then leave her out for an hour each time for a few days, then an hour and a half and so on and so forth. It should take about 3-4 weeks for her to become accustomed to being out all day. She will need less feed when out at pasture, one scoop morning and evening should suffice but liase with your vet on this one as it depends on her condition etc.

    So long as you give her gut flora time to adjust to a new feed, she should be absolutely fine. Cutting down to two feeds a day won't hurt her but I wouldn't increase the other 2 to compensate - too big a meal will not be digested properly. Hard feed should be digested in the small intestine and forage in the large intestine. If she eats a large meal of hard feed it will be pushed through to her large intestine, upsetting the gut flora and not being digested properly as the enzymes aren't there to digest the starch etc. from concentrated feed. Feel free to email me with any questions

    ADD: If she needs the extra hard feed but can't have more than 2 feeds a day, I recommend getting one of those dechahedron balls that you put food in and they roll it round. My TB gets his pony nut ration like this so it lasts longer.
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